She Didn't Plan It (I Guess)

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"Okay, but I wish I got to watch him jump on the desk-,"

"No, you do not," (Y/n) sighs as they enter the lair. She tugs her hat off her head as they reach the TV room, shrugging her puffy, pink coat off and hanging it on the guest rack, "I was so worried it was going to finally give out under him."

The rest of the younger members of the Hamato clan are sprinkled across the various seating arrangements in the TV room, a single pie in a tin sitting in between them on the coffee table. April has a binder and papers out, her back pressed against the armrest of the couch, while Donnie looks over her shoulder at her work on one of the bean bag chairs; Mikey's doodling on the floor, an array of color-filled papers surrounding him with a few sculpted paper pieces resting on his shell; and Raph has one of the game systems hooked up to the TV as he sits on the floor (a safe distance) in front of it, turned down to minimal studying volume. Mikey's the first to acknowledge their entrance, a small shine coming to his eyes as he sits up a bit better to greet them.

"You're finally here," The paper figures flutter to the ground around him and his fingers are stained in various colors, "How'd it gooo? Did you pick a play for next semester?"

A smile graces (Y/n)'s lips, but it doesn't reach the exhausted look in her eyes, "Nope!" She enunciates the 'P' as she throws herself across the free bean bag chair. She buries her face deep into the fabric with a loud groan, her thick binder falling to the ground beside her. She props her head up when she feels the bean bag sink beside her, Leo's weight causing her body to roll against his shell.

"I told you," Donnie doesn't bother to look up from April's homework, pointing at something as he raises a totally not drawn-on eyebrow, "Should've added more detailed equations and estimated costs based on the current stock market and estimated growth and decline, but noooo, Donnie, we'll worry about costs after we hook him in-"

"Literally, no. Money had nothing to do with it," (Y/n) straightens to face him a little better, her eyes narrowing, "He cryptically talked about wants and knowing what I want or something?"

"Correction: He cryptically sang at you about wants,"

"Regardless, I'm pretty sure I'm on my own about picking what to perform for the next semester," She sighs, leaning against the terrapin beside her. Her eyes roll to the back of her head as she closes them, eyebrows scrunching as a grimace forms on her lips, "Kind of figured, but that doesn't make it any less annoying."

Her features soften when she feels three fingers dig into her scalp from behind, getting through her (h/c) tresses without tangling between them to softly massage at the back of her head. (Y/n) leans into his touch, tension releasing from her shoulders as she leans her head against Leo's arm. She doesn't notice him moving her binder until she feels the cover hit her black winter leggings. Her eyes shot open at the weight, watching it bounce against the fabric before perfectly landing closed in her lap.

April finally looks up from her homework when she more than happily reaches for her bag. She's not subtle about opening her notebook, shoving her homework in it before loudly slamming it closed, "At least you've got a little more creative freedom than you were worried about. We both know how weird Sherma is about... Everything," She finally gets to retort, shoving the rest of her textbooks in her bookbag, "I remember one of the plays last year got super weird because of his meddling. Reported on it for the school paper and all."

Last year's play was 35 MM: A Musical Exhibition, which is already a doozy of a musical if you don't know much about the source material. It's dark and Sherma only pushed to make it darker and darker. One kid had to hold huge poster boards with content warnings due to how graphic some of the acting got. It never went too far, but it pushed a lot of the drama student body to a limit they had never reached before (and also weeded out all the kids that were not made for the theater life). The main cast had gotten so small that (Y/n) remembered pantomiming numerous segments throughout the play along with being the lead singer for a few songs. That performance was what led her to the leadership role she was currently placed in as the student director.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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