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He drank one shot of soju before backing out. The strong alcohol taste leaves Shotaro with a bad taste in his mouth. He doesn’t want to go to the bar but ever since Jiheon cheated on him, he hasn't been the same. He has a happy and kind personality, but inside he feels betrayed and he knew that Jiheon was a red flag but he brushed it off  thinking it was nothing. Shotaro never felt anything but love for his boyfriend. He just wanted to spend time with him, but now he felt stupid. The only people who knew about his breakup were Sungchan , his roommate and Eunseok , who is also his roommate and even cooked him some comfort food.

He snuck out of the dorm to get to the bar, he wanted to drown his loneliness. The night was warm, there were few people around, and the dim street lamps made it dark and romantic. A cool breeze blew over his face as he crossed the road, taking in the night scenery.  He opened the door to the bar and that's how he ended up here. His face was a bright shade of red, feeling dizzy and weary of everything around him.

"All I wanted was love but he used it to his advantage, to cheat with another, on the person who loves you the most," he murmured. "I've always loved you and I should have trusted you." He rests his head, looking down at the ground while rubbing his temples, trying to ease the pounding pain in his head.
"Another bottle of soju and some red wine," he commands the bartender.

The bartender gives him his drinks before taking out the empty bottle of soju.  The alcohol has no effect on him, not like what he did to Jiheon but this would be enough for a night. He drinks it in seconds before ordering more. He needs more to keep the feelings away. He wants them to disappear by drinking. He knows he shouldn't be drinking so much but after finding out about his cheating boyfriend, he had no control.

Meanwhile, on another table not far away from Shotaro, sat Sungchan  and Eunseok . They frequented  the bar often. It's not because they don't enjoy their life with each other, but rather because they're both too busy with their respective studies and work and they couldn't afford to lose any time with each other. Sungchan  was studying film and Eunseok  was pursuing culinary arts. Both majors were hard work and as a little treat for the weekends, they would go out and drink and talk about their classes.

"Man, Hyungseo and I fought about which flavor of cheesecake is better,” Eunseok  drunkenly said before dunking on another shot. “He wanted strawberries but I wanted blueberries,” Sungchan  giggled and replied “You two can’t get a moment of peace together, you two fought, argue, yet, you two always bond,”

“We have our ups and downs because we are hella competitive,” Eunseok  said, which made Sungchan  laugh. He drank his whiskey before glancing at the counter, he saw  Shotaro sitting in a booth. He was sipping on a glass of soju and looked absolutely miserable. Then he noticed a familiar figure walking towards him. The way he dressed, the way he walked, even the way his hair was styled, Sungchan  knew who he was, which made his eyes widened.

"Ji Jiheon," he stood up before walking towards them.

Shotaro looked up and saw Jiheon sitting next to him. He turned, he doesn't want to see his cheater ex. He is a walking redflag. "Shotaro," Jiheon held his hand but Shotaro pulled it back immediately, turning his back on Jiheon once again. Jiheon didn't seem to be upset, and instead, he smiled happily at Shotaro. He reached across the table, holding Shotaro's hand, "Why don't we ditch this place and go somewhere else?"

Shotaro shook his head , "I'm leaving now." He stood up and headed to the door. He heard Jiheon sigh sadly before following him. Shotaro ignored Jiheon and kept heading to the exit.
Shotaro pushed the automatic doors open and was greeted by the cool summer night air. He breathed in deeply. He was about to leave but he felt a hand grab him and pulled him inside. He landed on someone's chest, when he looked up, it was Jiheon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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