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Y/n was sitting in classroom thinking about yesterday his words keep ringing in her mind " Am glad you came in my life " did he really said this or am imagining things i was planning to make him and dan-oh alone but I end up being with him

She was in her thoughts when a hand snap Infront of her making her look at the person " ha-ru" he smiled " where you lost Ms Lee " she hit his arm playfully " don't call me Ms Lee c'mon we are friends" he chuckle " ik am just teasing you "

Someone slammed a book on table making a loud sound  everyone looked where  that sound is coming and it was baek kyung who did that he glare at ha-ru before taking his seat " what happened to him " ? Y/n asked " who knows he is always like this cold " ha-ru said making his way to his seat

                                 Time skip

Y/n walk out of classroom few students were cleaning the corridor two boys were coming with dirty water bucket in their hands with mop they were laughing not knowing floor is slippery one of the boy foot slipped and water fell and was about to drop on y/n until someone grab her wrist pulling her towards him

She was just looking at him not knowing what to say she was so lost meanwhile ha-ru and dan-oh walk there too seeing them like that dan-oh's heart breaks a tear escape her eyes Baek kyung's one hand was on her waist while other holding her wrist and her both hands were place on his chest

Dan-oh couldn't bear y/n and baek kyung in this position so she run away from there ha-ru notice that and run after her " can't you walk properly you always end up in problems" baek kyung said this looking at her

Y/n roll her eyes and push him gently " who even told you to save me " he nodded " my fault I should've let that dirty water fall on you that would be best"

Ha-ru saw dan-oh crying standing on rooftop he walk to her and held her shoulder " you okay " she wipes her tears and said " I know I am overreacting but still it hurts to see the person you love caring about someone else"  ha-ru cupped her face and said " it's not that he just help her it doesn't mean he care you know his personality so don't take it on heart "

" Maybe you're right it's not y/n's fault either " he smiled and ruffles her hairs " good now smile " she smiled making him smile too


Baek kyung walked out of the  school he saw y/n also coming out he closed his eyes before walking to her she notice him and said " what now " he looked at her and said " let's walk together"

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