( 14 )

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Y/n entered an empty classroom not being able to accept the fact that baek kyung and dan-oh getting engaged even that was what she wanted all this time but now it was hurting her only a tear escape through her eyes

" You okay "? She heard his voice she looked up and saw him leaning on one of the wall looking at her " am okay nothing  wrong " she wipe the tears he walk to her sits Infront of her " why lying with me and yourself "

" I'm not there is nothing to lie about"  she knew she is weak Infront of him so she decided to leave when he grab her wrist pulling her back " you think it's so easy to live like this "?

"W-what "? She said avoiding eye contact " i can't get married with someone else when I love you " his sudden confession left her Ambivalence
She was feeling numb at that point but she someone pull herself together " its useless to fall in love with each other when we aren't meant to be "

His grip loosen and she left from there leaving him fragile

                             Time skip
                              ( Engagement day )

Ha-ru and y/n entered the venue it was so pretty

" Wow I can't believe our dan-oh getting engaged " ha-ru said excitedly
Y/n looked at him being worried ofc he was second lead it must be excruciating for him " you okay"? Y/n asked him he smiled and said " ofc am perfectly fine "

" Finally you came to attend my engagement " they both followed the voice and found him standing

" Ofc bro btw where is dan-oh " ha-ru asked him " she is there with some family friends " ha-ru nodded and went to her

Now baek kyung and y/n was standing alone when he said " i wish I was getting engaged with you "

YOU AND IМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя