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To say my blood was boiling was an understatement

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To say my blood was boiling was an understatement. The drive home from the clubhouse was torture because it was pure silence. I make my dad that uncomfortable that even looking in my direction I think he might just die on the spot. I found the biggest bags I could find and started packing anything I needed knowing full well this would be my last chance to get anything.

I could hear him downstairs on the phone pacing the entire kitchen repeatedly. He was so desperate to leave. I scanned my room for any other things I need but my eyes fell upon the picture frame next to my bed. My breath go caught in my throat as the sight of it. I slowly made my way over picking it up and running my thumb across my mom's face. It was the three of us sat out on the dock at the back of our house. It was our favorite place as a family, we spent countless nights down there with the fire on, laughing, singing, and dancing. It was the last place my mom took her finally breaths.

When the doctors told her that they couldn't fight her ovarian cancer anymore she decided to come home and live out her finally days here, just the three of us. We both sat in my dad's arms as we watched her chest fall for the last time and everything after that was just a blur until the funeral. The whole of OBX paused for that day. The war stopped just for a day. She was the peace maker of the town, and everyone loved her. It took months for everyone to stop looking at me in sorrow.

I fought with the tears in my eyes forbidding them to fall as I stuffed the picture deep into my bag. I took one last look at my room before pushing all the pain back into its box, buried deep in my brain before I descended downstairs. Once dad saw me at the bottom of the stairs, he was quick towards the front door to hold it open for me. I paused by the door unsure whether to hug him or not. But we just stared at each other in silence.

I fluttered my eyes down to my sandals and started to fiddle with the fraying material at the end of my denim shorts. "I do love you Mi Amor" He whispered his accent taking precedence in his voice. I scoffed slightly before looking back up into his eyes. They were just empty and cold that was the new normal for him. I slowly started to shake my head. "I don't believe you" I whispered back before scanning his face one last time before stepping out the door with my bags.

He didn't shout after or me nor did he come after me. He just stood and watched me from the porched of our once happy, loving home as I drove away still fighting with the tears gaining power in my eyes and the harrowing sob trying to escape my lips.

I lost two parents that day.

As my car gained the miles towards the Cameron residence I breathed through the tears and turned up the radio trying everything I possible could to change my mood. Letting whatever songs came on blare through the speakers of the jeep. I came to the retaliation that sharing a bathroom with Rafe Cameron might possibly be the worst form of torture you could inflict on a human being. If he was going to make my life a living hell, I would just have to do the same to him.

Pulling into Tannyhill I was met with Ward, Rose and unfortunately Rafe on the front porch waiting for me. Rose took over the mother rule for mine. They were best friends growing up together, so it was just second nature for Rose to treat me as her own. She flashed a motherly smile in my direction as I exited the car. "Hey sweetie" She beamed wrapping me in her arms. I embraced the hug missing this feeling. "Rafe grab Izzy's bag please" Ward said as he walked over to us.

Rafe did as his father instructed. We were similar in ways. In ways that I think no person should ever have too. Having daddy issues. "And Iz, I am sorry about the room situation we didn't think your dad would have to leave this early but there is a storm on its way in" Ward smiled as Rose released me from her grip. "It's fine I guess" I playful sassed him making him laugh as he too, embraced me into a hug. I locked eyes with Rafe as he was unloading my bag. A jealous tint spread across his body; he too wasn't hugged enough as a child.

"Rafe show Izzy to her room, we will be round the house if you need us honey" Ward added as he took Rose's hand and lead them into the house. Rafe pushed past my shoulder walking into the house. "Dick" I breathed following close behind him. "Bitch" He muttered back as we climbed the stairs leading me to my new room.

Dumping my bags at the foot of my bed he groaned as he straightened his back. "Jesus Izzy" He whined, I just rolled my eyes walking over to them and easily picking them up and placing them into a bed which was way too big for just one person. "You are so dramatic" I sighed turning to face him. I was met with an annoying smirk as he crossed his arms scanning my body. "Whatever you say Castillo but just know I meant what I said earlier" He muttered before disappearing through the bathroom and into his room, slamming is door shut.

I shook my head at the pettiness and decided to change into a bikini to spend the rest of the afternoon sun around the pool. I knew Sarah was probably out with Topper somewhere, so I lounged around the pool with my book for a few hours also just trying to process the day as a whole. This didn't feel right but it was something I knew I would have to get use to. I couldn't understand why Rafe was so hot and cold with me all time and what caused him to be like that. I was too deep in thought to hear Sarah enter the yard and through herself at me.

I laughed as she wrapped her arms around me, kissing all over my face. "I am so happy you are here it's just going to make this summer so much more bearable" She squealed releasing me from her grip sitting opposite me on the other sun lounger. I laughed wiping her wet kisses off my face and sat up admiring my best friend. "Hey when have our summers not been fun?" I questioned. "Yeah but at least, I have you around 24/7" She giggled but I couldn't shake the feeling we were being watched. I looked up to the balcony above that looked over the whole yard, meeting Rafe's hard glare as he watched over us.

I smirked and looked back to Sarah. "24/7 sounds like hell to me" I added making her laugh and Rafe roll his eyes. Sarah leap into a whole story of how much she had planned for us this summer but the only thing I could concentrate on was Rafe and his fascination into our conversation. His eyes were burning holes into my skin as they tracked all over my body. If he wanted to stare, I wasn't going to let him let him off so easily. While nodding and answering Sarah I turned onto my front to tan my back and out the corner of my eye I saw him straighten as he knew what I was doing.

Even when we were younger, I would always a tease with him, in ways that made me always wonder if we could have been more than friends. I felt my phone vibrate, Sarah was so deep into her own story she hadn't realised that I looked to my phone.

Rafe: Careful Castillo, think you are wanting me to look.

Me: Oh, I don't but it nice to know you are, now fuck off

I looked up as I watched him roll his eyesthrowing me the finger before disappearing into whatever hell he came from. "Oh,and there is a party tonight at Kelce's tonight and we have to go" She finishedas she jumped up from her seat. "I will only go if you promise to do my hair" Ismiled up to her as she pulled me up from the lounger. "Of course you know Iwill" She laughed dragging me into the house.

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