"His shop should be just down here." Tess said. Play and Jake followed Tess down the alleyway and after passing a taco restaurant featuring a giant smiling Ludicolo on the front. Play could reasonably make out a smallish shop with a giant red Poke ball on the top.

"That should be him." Tess said, her face lighting up. And sure enough, when they reached the shop, Tess pushed open the door, and Play noticed the corners of her mouth push up even further when he spotted a thin man wearing a black fedora standing at the other end of the shop.

"Uncle Gerald?" Tess asked in excitement. The man turned around, as Play was greeted with the face of a middle aged man with a warm smile on his face and dazzling brown eyes.

"Well if it isn't my favourite niece." Gerald laughed. Tess ran forward as she and Gerald embraced in a hug. 

"Gosh." Uncle Gerald said. "It must have been six, seven, no, eight years since I last saw you. And how much you've grown." As Tess and Gerald caught up, Play took this time to look around the shop. Gerald's shop was small, but modest. The walls were red and white, to mimic the appearance of a Poke ball. Glass cases covered the entire wall, all with various different brands of Poke Balls. Some Play recognised, like the net, great, ultra and a master ball, resting in a gold and glass case at the front of the room.

"So! Gerald said, clapping his hands together. "What brings you kids out all the way to Anthian City. Because you know." Gerald turned around to the Poke balls inside cases behind him. "If you ever need-."

"No." Tess said. "That's not why we're here." Gerald paused, a puzzled expression on his face.

"We were hoping to know if you knew anything about Team Eclipse, they abducted my friend here, Play's parents." Tess explained. By now, Play had gotten use to people simply phrasing his parents being abducted.

"They did what?" Gerald wheezed, looking at Play. "I can't belive those nasty thieves. I mean, they were always wrong off, but resorting to kidnapping people. I though I'd heard it all." Play looked at the ground.

"It's okay." He said quietly, rising and falling on the balls of his feet. Gerald calmed down.

"But if you couldn't tell." Gerald sighed. "Yes, I am more than acquainted with Team Eclipse." Gerald stayed silent for a moment.

"Hold on a minute." He said. "Play, were your parents Archeologists?" Play nodded. 

"You know, last week, Team Eclipse tried to steal an aretifact known as the Prison Bottle. I wonder if-." The mention of the words Prison Bottle suddenly re-jogged his memory to a talk he'd overhead his parents talking about one time.

"I-I think my parents had something to do with the prison bottle." Play said. 

"Well blow me down." Gerald said. "It couldn't be clearer. Your parents know something about that bottle that Team Eclipse want info on." Then there was a short silence.

"So..is there anything you know that can help us find them?" Tess asked, breaking the silence. Gerald sighed again.

"Unfortunately not." He said. "But if there's one thing you should know, it's that Team Eclipse only re-surface when they've discovered something they want. It's not a matter of where they strike next, it's when they strike." 

"That doesn't really help us." Tess whispered. "You know, actually, I've just had an idea."

"What's that?" Jake asked.

"Well." Tess said. "I don't think Anthian library is too far away from here. There's gotta be something there about the prison bottle right? I mean there has to be." 

"I like how you think." Gerald said, and then, he grabbed his coat off a hook on the wall. "In fact, I'm coming with you." 

"Play." Tess said turning to him. "I've got a job for you too."

"What's that?"

"I'm pretty sure Anthian gym isn't too far from here. It wouldn't hurt to train up your Pokemon again right?" On one hand, Play felt responsible on helping find information on what his parents were searching for, but the idea of his Pokemon not being strong enough to take down Team Eclipse frightened him more.

"Right." Play said. And then he looked over to Jake.

"So what d'you wanna do Jake?" Play asked him. "Fighting or reading." Jake looked annoyed that Play had phrased it like that.

"I'm gonna help Tess and Gerald." Jake responded. "I'll see you around Play."

"Bye Play." Tess said warmly. "Good luck."

"Thank you." Play said, heading to the door. "I'll meet up with you afterwards and help you look."

Play headed out the door and back into the alleyway, using a map he saw on a brick wall, he followed the vague route. He quickly learned that Anthian city was split up into three different districts. The Living district, where the housing were, the Shopping district, where Play was now and all the shops were located, and the Battle district, where Anthian gym was located. This time, Play didn't really have an idea what type the gym would be, so he'd have to wing it.

On the way to the gym, Play realised that he'd just passed a Pokemon Center.

"Me and my Pokemon haven't had a bite to eat in ages." He thought. "I won't be long. Just a small snack."

Play backtracked until he found the Pokemon Center and let all of his Pokemon out of their balls so they could eat. Play sighed in relief as he ate the burger and fries in front of him. It felt good to eat after all this time. In fact, he'd get Tess and Jake something to eat after he'd finished battling in the gym. 

Before he reached the gym, Play happened to spot a bright neon shop with the name 'HERO'S HOVERBOARDS'

"I have to take a quick look." Play thought. He quickly dashed across the street and looked inside. At the counter, was a man in his early twenties with a brown ponytail. The shop smelled of liquorice. Play eyed up the different coloured hoverboards hanging on the walls.

"You know what you're looking for kid?" The man asked. Play took one look at the price tags and nearly had a heart attack.

"N-No, I'm just browsing." He mumbled.

After a little bit of confusion and realising he'd gone the wrong way, Play finally figured out where Anthian City was and was nearly out of breath as he walked up to the magnificent gym. Bright blue and teal green lights flashed as a giant Pokeball atop a column flashed a brilliant blue just next to the Gym. Play was simply taken aback by the sheer size of it. It was easily the biggest gym he'd seen so far. Walking up to the doors, like he normally did, Play took a deep breath before heading inside the gym.

Pokemon Brick Bronze: A novelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ