[Ch 1.9] Adapting to Bonds

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"An explanation for what exactly" I tried turning away from him

Keyword, "Tried" as Rimuru held my head and forced me to face him

“oh~ don't play dumb with me now, I know that you know what I'm talking about”

“Is this about the angry dragon and the bags?”

“It's one of them”

“Look, the only reason why I did what I did is because that dragon damages my ear on our first encounter, and I already gave you my bags and what's in it as apologies right!?”

“what about the other one then?”

“which one?”

“The knight spiders and other monsters with marks that you threw here!”

“To be fair, I didn't know they landed to you guys, I only mark my kills and decided to kick it into where the sun rises, which is apparently you guys. You can even ask the trio for confirmation”

“Alright last question”

I gulped in anticipation “ask away”

“Looking back at our encounters with each other... Did you have something against slimes or something?”

. . . I blinked a few times not believing what I heard

I can understand why he feel that way, but that's still absurd to hear, which is why I ended up laughing


“H-Hey! Why did you start laughing?”

“sorry sorry! It just that your assumption is so absurd and opposite from the truth that I couldn't help myself!”

I got up from his lap to look at him at eye level

“hey, can you pull out the blue bag?”

He pulled out one of my bags and asked “this one?”

“yeah, take a look inside it”

“it's just clothes?” he asked as he took a peek

“No no, look at the clothes”

He took one of the sweater and sees it's design “uhh what?”

The design is words saying "I Am ( - - ) Slime” with a blue slime in the middle

He then pick up a shirt and sees it's filled with slimes on top of one another

After checking every single one he asked “it's all slimes?”

“YES! Slimes is actually my favorite fantasy creatures! Dragons, demons and such is seconds”

“Why are you even liking slimes this much?”

And here started my hour long rant about slimes superiority


“-Do you understand it now?” I finished still full of energy

“uhh... yeah I do now...”

“So all I've done to you is mostly only out of jealousy. The only exception is our first meeting because I genuinely wanted to help you since you seem to be talking with that dragon”

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