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Chapter 693: Reluctant

Xiao Hanzheng left North City for the capital and when his family left, more than half of the people in North City came to see them off.

The students of the Craftsman College and those who had already graduated and had a job came to send them off.

Apart from being reluctant to part with Lord Xiao and his wife, they also couldn't bear to part with the flock of geese that they were carrying.

This flock of geese patrolling had already become a scenic spot in North City. Every day, at dawn, they would spread out to patrol, and in the evening, they would return in groups.

They would help look after children and catch thieves. If anyone was bullied on the street, these geese would also help.

There was a family in the city who wanted to sell their daughter to a brothel. The girl refused and was dragged by her father to be sold.

Coincidentally, Daidai and his flock of geese saw it and immediately went forward to peck at the heartless father until he cried out in pain.

Because Dumby was the Goose King bestowed by the Emperor, that person did not dare to resist at all. Of course, he could not resist either. He could not defeat that group of geese.

In the following days, he was still being watched by a few big geese. As long as he hit the girl at home or wanted to sell her, he would be bitten by the big geese.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up on selling his daughter to a brothel.

With Shi Qingluo's help, the girl entered the Craftsman College to study. Then, she entered the yarn shop opened by the Fifth Prince's wife.

Only then did she finally get out of the quagmire at home.

Therefore, she was especially grateful and liked to stay with the geese. She specially planted fresh vegetables to feed the geese.

This matter also spread in North City, and people talked about it with relish.

The flock of geese was like the guardian beasts of the North City, causing many commoners to develop feelings for them.

They weren't used to being taken away.

There were also many commoners who heard about this matter and rushed over from other cities, counties, or villages.

Therefore, after walking for more than half a day, they could meet commoners who came to send them off.

Many people were also emotional and could not bear to see Xiao Hanzheng and his wife leave.

Ever since Lord Xiao and his wife came to the northern border, the northern border had changed.

Not only did the North City and the border cities become more prosperous, but other places were also gradually developing. Many commoners were able to eat their fill now.

Everyone was reluctant to let such a good official leave, but they could not stop him.

They could only send them off and wish Lord Xiao a great rise.

What made everyone feel fortunate was that Magistrate Fei was personally groomed by Lord Xiao.

Previously, he had done many things in Heyang County to benefit the people.

Xiao Hanzheng was riding his horse and looking at the people who came to see him off, he could not help but feel touched.

His increasingly cold temperament became much gentler when he saw the commoners.

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