Chapter 2

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Mina had finally managed to convince her handmaiden to let her walk to breakfast alone. When she reached the grand doors, she hesitated, her hand frozen. Mina finally mustered up the courage to enter, and her older sister bounded up to her, before slowing down.

"Good morning, Mitang!" Sana smiled, delicately taking her hand.

"Good morning." Mina echoed and, just for a moment, she saw Sana's grin falter. She knew it was because of her. She did wish that one day she would be able to smile for her sister, just like she used to.

"Come sit down! I'm starving!" Her sister exclaimed, dragging her to a chair. The younger princess caught her mother's eye as she sat down, and ignored her. As Mina ate, she could feel her parents occasionally throwing glances at her, and Sana probably realised as well because when they finished, she began gently rubbing her thumb on Mina's hand.

"Do you want to go to the gardens?" Sana whispered to her sister when they were out of the room. "Momo can come too, if you want."

Momo was Sana's handmaiden. Unlike Mina's maids, Momo had stayed for ages. She grew up in the palace, her parents working as chefs. Her sister used to work in the palace as well, as a private dance instructor. She felt like the style she was made to teach was too boring, so she moved out, much to everyone's protests. Sana and Momo always treated each other like sisters, and despite Mina being three years younger, she still found a way to fit in.

"Don't you have duties?" Mina asked, interested in this proposal. When Sana placed her index finger over her lips, Mina's sensibleness kicked in. "This is a bad idea. We'll be punished. I'll be punished. Sana, you don't understand, I cannot have that happen to me again, I cannot-"

"You'll be with me. I promise that we won't get caught."

Mina didn't know what to say. Up until she was fourteen, two years ago, she had gone through so much pain that she couldn't imagine reliving, all for punishment and discipline. So why was she allowing herself to be dragged into the gardens by both Sana and Momo?


"Oh yeah, I've talked to Nayeon. She's nice." Momo commented when they were sitting in a secluded area. They always sat there when they were hiding from responsibilities, as nobody ever entered the space. There was a clear lake, and the sun reflecting made it look crystalised. Sana's head whipped round to Momo's direction.

"Really? Are you sure? Did she listen to any rumors? Does she look like a backstabbing bitc-"

"Calm down, Satang! I just said that she's nice!" Momo interrupted her. "And mind your language, young lady."

"You're one month older than me." Sana frowned, rolling her eyes.

"That month makes all the difference!"

"You girls bicker like toddlers." Mina shook her head, before splashing water from the lake into Momo's face, earning a cry of protest. "And I'm pretty sure you're more worried than I am, Satang."

Sana laid back into the grass. "That's because you've given up!" She cried in frustration. The princess turned to her sister and firmly grabbed her hand. "I want you to believe that someone will want to stick around for you." She planted a quick kiss on her cheek, before standing up and smoothing out her dress, beckoning Momo to follow her. "Because I believe that that someone will come."

And with that, Mina was left alone with her thoughts.


"You know, Princess, you remind me of a penguin." Nayeon smiled as she brushed out Mina's hair. 

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