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What is wrong with me! You know when you try to sleep and random thoughts from our past pop up and you begin cringing at how stupid you were? That's what just happened, I told Draco my parents sent me here. Yet I told his dad my parents are dead. I don't know what I am gonna do if he ever confronts me. Lets just hope his Harry obsession makes him not remember, or perhaps he already forgot. 

The light from the sky and train begin to agitate my eyes, and I give up on sleeping. I could never sleep on rides anyway, I had too much ideas and thoughts running through my head. Traveling usually brought them all out. Like right now, I am debating on what necessary steps I need to take to not alter the plot of the story, but save the people who don't need to die for the plot. Its going to be tough, but if this a slim chance that I am in a alternate universe... I would rather not ruin other people's lives while I am here.

"You guys should get ready, I hear we will be there soon." The door slams closed. I didn't even need my eyes open to realize that was Hermione.

I then feel a tap on my shoulder, making me open one eye. "Yeah yeah." I groggily say, sitting up in my seat. "Who was she anyways?" I ask, to make it seem she irritates me.

"Says her name is Hermione, she fixed Harry's glasses. Yet she is so nosey." Ron grumbles, eating his last piece of candy.

I nod slowly before turning to Harry to see his huge smile, "I am glad she fixed those for you. Now you can see better I hope." I say softly before getting up and grabbing my bag. "I'm gonna change."

As I leave the compartment, my mind begins to wander. Maybe I should back off a bit from Harry, I am not a main character so if I am constantly involved in main events, the story could change and more people might die because of me. I want to make sure the people who are the most important to him wont die. Perhaps that is the only reason I am here, not to get close to him.. but to protect him.

I exit the bathroom in my uniform, still thinking about what to do when I bump into someone. "Ugh watch it-" I look and see a familiar bleached blonde standing in front of me. "Oh! (Y/n), its you! Actually I am kind of glad to see you again before we get into... Hogwarts... hey are you alright?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're crying.. that's why." 

I reach up to my face and feel the tears streaming down my face. I quickly wipe them off with my cloak sleeve and give him a quick smile. "I had an eyelash in my eye.." I quickly say, when did I even start crying. 

Draco gives me a look before grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the open area of the train. "Anyways, I want to introduce you to my new lackies. Crabbe and Goyal." I had no time to protest, as we were walking past the closed rooms, I see Harry, Ron, and Hermione chatting with one another, not aware of their surroundings. Only focused on each other, I cant help but smile sadly as we passed. That's how its supposed to be. Just the three of them, together fighting against evil. 

After a bit more dragging, he stops at a booth were two bigger kids were sitting. Of course it was Crabbe and Goyal, but I could never figure out which was which. I give them one of my fake smiles and say hello, nothing to much, they are the ones I would least like to be around. They give me weird vibes, even in the movies.

"Thanks for dragging me here Draco, I should go grab my bag-"

"I can help you, well I can get Crabbe to carry it for you to wherever we are transporting." Draco eagerly says. 

I can't help but laugh a bit while shaking my head. "Thanks Draco, but I got this." I subconsciously pat the boys' head, that's what I did when I found little kids cute. Yet its weird now that I am physically the same age as him, so I quickly retract my hand and laugh again. "Uh... see you at Hogwarts." I then quickly turn away, not noticing his curious gaze watching me leave.


"What took you so long (Y/N)?" Harry asks, helping me get my bags from the top of  the room. 

"Long line in the girls restroom." I lie, taking my stuff. "I'm glad you are making friends Harry, you deserve that."

Harry stares at me for a second before giving me a smile. "Well, so do you! Why don't we all be good friends-"

"I do have a friend Harry, you just haven't met him yet." I say cheerfully. "Besides, I don't wanna have people pretend to be my friend because you want them to be, I want it to be genuine." I don't look back at Harry, I honestly feel too bad to. Its not like I was being harsh, its just a lot harder to say things for his own good, while looking at him in the face. 


After we made it into Hogwarts, we wait patiently in the room before the great hall. All I gotta say is Hogwarts lives up to its expectations. I have only seen this place in game form and it is honestly breathtaking. I stare at the castles' interior for a bit before I hear the next major scene unfold.

I was a bit in the middle of the crowd, Harry was up in the front with Ron, and Draco was somewhere in the back.. was.. I see the white haired boy in the front, speaking to Harry. Doing his introduction, and failing at befriending Harry. Draco grumbles as he walks back towards the middle of the stairs. Our eyes meet for a brief moment before Professor McGonagall ushers us into the grand hall... and might I add efference on the world GRAND. This was nothing like the movies or game, it was truly beautiful. The false starry sky above, the floating candles which illuminated the room! The four large table that seats all four houses! I was in utter bliss, if I didn't think this was a dream, I would honestly faint right here and now.

Once the cattle was rounded towards the sorting hat, each name gets called one by one. Each person going into their perspective houses, staying true to the movies. That is, until it came to me. I hesitantly walk in front of the crowd of people, trying to ignore my anxiety. I am glad they used my fake last name, it would be awkward to face Draco. I know it didn't matter where I was put, but two major paths could happen depending if I get put into two specific houses. The houses everyone and there mother want to be in... Gryffindor and Slytherin. Personally, I am a proud Hufflepuff... according to the Pottermore Quiz. Honestly I wouldn't mind being put in Hufflepuff in the dream either, a lot less drama for me. 

I sit on the chair, and look down at my feet so my anxiety will cease just a little bit. I can still feel myself shaking, as I felt the hat be placed in my head. Honestly I can't hear anything, if the hat was speaking to me, I didn't even know. All I could think about is wanting to get off this stage and eat some food. Perhaps hide in my dorm-

"Slytherin!" The hat exclaimed. ...WHAT?! There is no way I am a Slytherin. I stand up and turn to Professor McGonagall, who just ushered me to the Slytherin table. Not giving me a second to process OR protest.

This just made my whole situation a lot worse, I quickly look over at the Gryffindor table and see Harry looking at my way. I was unable to read his expression, and before I could lock eyes with him, Ron got selected and his face smiled and excitedly clapped. Just like in the movie, things fall into place.

As I finally approach the Slytherin table, I plop down next to someone. I am not really paying attention, more regretting not listening to what the hat had to say. I know he considers people's opinions on where they wanna be, so I could have persuaded him to send me to Hufflepuff. In fact I am confused. I am in no way, shape or form a Slytherin.

"(Y/n) helloooo!" A voice says, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turn to the person I unconsciously sat by.. Draco.

"Oh hey! Fancy seeing you here!" I joke.

"The best house in my opinion." Draco begins. "Don't be too upset you didn't get Gryffindor with Potter, that house..." He starts ranting about how Gryffindor is worse then Slytherin and I pretend to listen. 

I am not looking forward to this, because this house decided my route for continuing the story as normal... I have to become Harry's enemy.

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