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Draco and I became well acquainted during out short interaction in the book store. I was merely glad he dropped his ego for a moment and started acting like a normal kid for a bit.

"It was so cool! After we came back from the trip, I was a bit sad though. I must show you the coast (Y/n)." Draco exclaims, and turns to look at me. The young boy seemed happy that he could talk freely with someone, and when our eyes meet it was very obvious that he let his guard down. That was until his eyes glanced beside me, and his smile of happiness turned into a smile of proudness? "Ah! (Y/n), I would love you to meet my father." He grabs my hand, and starts dragging me to the front of the store.

Great, as if it wasn't annoying in the movies. Draco is obsessed with his father's praise. I just hope I can get that out of him before I get fed up with the boy. 

"Father!" Draco yells, causing his dad to look at us with an unamused expression. "This is (Y/n) Sallow, she is a pureblood like us!" 

Lucius's face turns from unamused to an intrigued smile, "Sallow, I haven't heard of that name in a long time. Its a pleasure to meet you Miss (y/n), it would be an honor to meet your parents." He says.

I know what he was trying to do, they never specified it in the movies, but purebloods love to marry other purebloods together. Not that I don't like Draco, I just feel it is a little weird knowing how old we currently are, and how old I mental am. Besides, I don't even know if I actually am a pureblood. No matter, I fake a smile and extend my hand. 

"Pleasure is all mine Mr. Malfoy. Unfortunately I am the last Sallow, for my parents died overseas." I say, causing him to raise an eyebrow, grabbing my hand and shaking it once before clearing his throat. A wider smile replacing his previous on.

"I don't suppose you have a place you are staying at?" He asks. "Perhaps I can contact the orphanage-"

Ah, so that is how he is going about it, and orphaned pureblood must be easier to marry off then a business agreement. So of course he would want to try and adopt me. Unfortunately I don't plan on becoming a death eater. Sorry Draco. "Actually, the guardians of Harry Potter took me in. Unfortunately."

That makes Lucius eyes widen, "You know the young Potter?" 

"Yes, he is like a cousin to me." I reply with a innocent smile. I am 11, its not like they are gonna think I'm plotting something against them... not yet anyways.

"You may be more useful then.." the man mumbles. "Well Miss (Y/n) I thank you for befriending my son, hopefully you'll be there for each other in school." He then turns back to his unamused expression. "Draco. Come now. Say goodbye to you're friend."

Draco smirks triumphantly and turns to me and extends his hand. "See you at school, Sallow-"

"(Y/n)... Just call me (Y/n)." I interrupt, and give him a warm smile before grabbing his hand. "Until school."

The boy's eye widens a bit as we shake hands, before any other words could be exchanged, Lucius uses his cane and places it on Draco's shoulder indicating it was time to go. Draco lets go of my hand and the two of them walk out of the store, Draco giving one final glance back at me before the door closed. 

I finally let my face rest from all of the fake smiling. I really feel like I screwed myself over for making my fake last name Sallow. In fact I don't even know what my real last name is in this dream... yeah dream.  That means it should be my normal last name, right? I stand there thinking about my next steps forward when I feel a hand on my shoulder snap me out of my thoughts.

"(Y/n)?" A young Harry ask.

I turn around, putting back on my fake smile. "Harry!! Oh I thought I would never see you again!"

"We was only gon' twenty mins Miss (y/n)" Hagrid laughs. "Come on, we gots to get you youngin's back to yer home; and I gotta get this ere' back to Dumbledore."

That it! "Hey Hagrid, I was wondering if I can change my last name? I don't know my real last name, and I just read about an old pureblood family. I'm not even sure if I am a pureblood but-"

"Calm down young (y/n). Yes yer a pureblood, I cant go into detail there, I can put in a name for ye so go ahead and spit it out already!"

"Sallow!" I exclaim. "I would like my temporary name to be Sallow."

Hagrid gives me a look before nodding slowly. "Ill see what I can do." He then grabs both me and Harry and lead us back outside and home. Lets hope things go well, or I wake up before it becomes a nightmare.


"I still feel like you should have used my name. My dad is a pureblood, and you are my cousin. You could have said-"

"I don't think you're dad has any siblings, that's why you went to Petunia instead." I say, pushing my basket around the train station. "Besides, no one has even heard of the Sallow's in forever. Its the easiest name to go by, since I am originally from America."

Harry frowns, pushing his cart next to mine. Once he befriends Ron he wont be too attached to me. Not that I don't like him around, he just deserves more friends besides me; so he wont have to worry about me so much. Speaking of Ron, a group of red heads catches my attention. I instinctively grab Harry's arm and hurry towards who I assume is the Weasley's.

I stop beside them, allowing Harry to catch his breath. Yet I was in awe, the twins, Ron... they were my favorite characters in the movie. Sorry Draco, but I have always been a Weasley girl, you are a close second though. Harry finally looks at the red heads in time for Fred and George to run through the wall.

"Whoa! They just disappeared!" Harry exclaims. I nod, this was way cooler then the CGI. "Excuse me, ma'am. We are also looking for platform 9 and 1/3, is this it?"

The older lady, who I can only assume was Molly smiles sweetly at us. "Yes yes! You must be heading to Hogwarts! Just go right through this wall and you will get to your train. Ron here is a 1st year as well." 

I smile back at Molly. "I hope we can all be good friends." I say, then turn to the wall. I mean its only a dream, I can't feel pain if I face plant into this pillar. So I grab my cart and begin to run towards the wall, closing my eyes before impact. I feel my self keep going and going... and going, until I felt my cart abruptly stop, causing my body to move forward a bit. I open one eye to see one of the Weasley twins holding onto my cart.

"Woah! You almost ran into the tracks there." The one holding my cart squeaked. Ah yes, the pre-puberty Fred and George era. 

"Oops!" I say with a shrug, shaking my basket so he would let go. "Sorry for causing trouble." I move away from him and wait for Harry to cross through. Soon enough he does and we make our way towards the train. Here is to our first year I guess. An adult in a 11 year old's body... surrounded by little kids.

"Are you excited (y/n)?" Harry asks, putting his luggage above him in the empty compartment. 

I give him a fake smile, knowing soon he is gonna experience the best, and the worst days of his life. "I couldn't be happier, going through this with you."

A knock on the door of our compartment causes us to look and see a familiar red head... Ron. "Is there room in here for one more? The others are full." 

And so it begins.

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