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Gemma has been streaming everyday for the past week and it was finally getting to her

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Gemma has been streaming everyday for the past week and it was finally getting to her. Going from streaming 4-5 days a week to a full 7 took a toll on her - mentally and physically. She loved streaming but since joining the QSMP it got overwhelming, and the late hours were not helping. So, still in her deep fixation on QSMP, looking for a break from it all, Gemma started building her house off-stream.

It had just been her at first, since she joined earlier than almost everyone on the server so she had no distractions. After browsing Pinterest for inspiration, she decided on building a giant magical-looking tree and carving a cottage through the bottom of it leading to an underground area as well. Yes, ambitious, but nothing she can't finish in a few weeks.

After mining blocks for the build and ordering Chinese food she gets to work. To beat boredom, Gemma plays songs on Spotify and sits cross-legged on her chair. Eventually Pac, Fit, and Tubbo join the server. Pac and Fit join her for a while, getting to know each other while she builds and the two calm her down when she gets stressed when something gets messed up.

"Just relax, it's only a house." Fit had said, trying to comfort her, but she was so frustrated she just screamed and cursed in Spanish in response.

"You got this! You're a good builder, I know it." Pac had tried to reassure her, but little did he know that it only stressed her further, thinking she had a level to achieve as to not disappoint.

Of course, the two were trying to be sweet and helpful. But used to building alone, Gemma found the attention a bit strange. When building she forgets there's an audience to entertain and on previous servers the members were looking for content, something that Gemma didn't really give when building. Thankful for their help, she sends them off, agreeing to massage them when things get too much. In the next couple of hours, Gemma takes them up on their offer three times until Fit logs off and Pac gets busy with Richarlyson.

Without Gemma knowing, when she briefly left her streaming room to toss out a takeout box and make some coffee, Foolish joins and starts searching for her. He didn't want to start working on the titan yet and since Pac and Tubbo were busy he wanted to find her to delay working. Luckily for him, Gemma's location was visible on the mini-map, and she was building her house a bit behind the museum. When Gemma settles back into her chair with a fresh coffee mug, Foolish is already gliding over to her from a nearby hill, screaming and emoting.

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