Chapter 8

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The scream belonged to Hannah, breathing heavily as she stopped not too far from Cecilion, who stood before the railings of a balcony, eyeing towards the sky. His eyes reflected the red ominous cracks in the air that seemed surreal, sending shivers down the young man's spine, a weird energy filling him up. A weird sensation, as if the air vibrated unnaturally against him. The air felt heavy and unkind, brewing a sinister storm.

Cecilion's ears even picked up distant echoes, familiar voices of Henry and another of unknown origins. Yet are nowhere to be seen.

"Any updates?" Hannah questioned.

"I tried to search for him all over, no signs. But I don't feel so good." Cecilion muttered, facing Hannah. "You should feel it too. No?"

Hannah let out a heavy sigh and gave a firm nod, worry written all over her face. "You can sense it better than me. Though... I can feel that he is nearby."

As much as Henry likes to be alone time to time to collect his thoughts, there had never been a case where he would entirely be absent from his squad. He would always be easy to find, usually hanging out on his favourite rooftop, enjoying the wind that brushes by him.

No one bothered to ask why he would fancy rooftops. It is a natural hang out spot among youngsters after all.

"Let's find him." Cecilion spoke.


Heavy breaths escaped out of henry's mouth as the smoke cleared. Some smoke was also emitting out of henry's clothes, partially burnt from the multiple heavy blasts taken from the centaur. Burnt marks and scratches were also present on Henry's skin, shaking from the pain as he struggled to stand.

Lots of islands were obliterated to pieces, while some survived, floating with whatever remnants it retained. The centaur hovered, emiting a laughter filled with thousands of voices.

"Give up." The centaur said.

Henry shook his head, glaring towards the creature.

He cannot give up yet. Not yet. He had sustained worse injuries before. Giving up would be the same as dying.

"I won't. Not to the likes of you." Henry's voice were shaken.

"Puny human."

Until silence overwhelmed and a pin dropped. A fast breeze brushed past Henry.

"You'll end up dying if you fight recklessly, idiot."

A voice echoed in Henry's mind. Before he could react or respond back, he heard what seemed to be a dong of a bell, distant. For a moment he was blinded, his senses muffled and his body not in his control. As if dissociated, until Henry found himself standing on a small island, surrounded by blue waters. There, he saw a bunch of books, intermediate reading novels of various genres, and a bunch of drawings that seemed to belong to a child. If this is a dream, it seemed detailed.

Henry's eyes widened, recognising the familiar feeling. The same feeling where he lost control of himself, except he now understood why he would lost control.

Somebody has been using him. Similar to a posession, taking control when danger is sensed. This barely happened before, but ever since he found out he is a Chimera, the switch has been more frequent.

No... this has happened a few times before. If not for his poor memory, he would have noticed the times he would lost control. Each time he would fall to the brink of death, someone will always take over. After all this years... his existence was saved by one that lived in his consciousness.

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