Extra Chapter

633 73 20

Warning: Slightly NSFW 🔞

The voice rings through out the loft.
"Bright Alonzo Guntithanon!"
Bright's eyebrows draw in concern. There were only two reasons Win used that tone of voice.
He slowly puts down the Christmas wreath he was holding and walks towards the general area of the yell.
He's been busy decorating the house all day. He hasn't called Win on the phone for hours. They haven't seen each other since Win kissed his forehead before running back to the bakery at the crack of dawn.

So it couldn't be the good reason Win uses that tone.

It's the bad one.

But what could Bright Alonzo Guntithanon have done to piss off his handsome yet overworked honey baby chef?

He finds Win at their dining/living area which was located just a few steps from the door of their house.

Win was staring at their dining room table as if it had personally offended him. "What the hell have you been up to?," Win spits out.

Now, Bright was even more confused. Were his decorating skills so appalling that it was driving the usually calm Metawin Lorenzo Teepakorn into anger? "I put up the Christmas decor, babe. You're hosting a dinner party at nine so I wanted to help."

"But didn't I tell you I can handle it?"

"I believe that you can handle it but you've been running on fumes since November. I wanted to take one thing off your plate."

Win tears his eyes from the table and glares at Bright. "But you're busy too! You have had two pitches this month and you have gigs twice a week. And it's not like I'm the only one with plans, aren't you playing at City Hall Fundraiser tonight?"

"Babe, Christmas means so much to you. I know if you had it your way all the decor would have been up since last week. But you're too busy right now. I know you could have done the decorations better but let me take care of this for you. Allow me to be there for you. I promise, I can handle hanging tinsel and ordering food."

"Bright, the decorations are beautiful. I could not have done better even if I swallowed an interior design book."

"Then why are you mad?"

Win stills and bites his bottom lip and in the silence, Bright notices that Win's eyes weren't glassy with anger - those were unshed tears. He was trying not to cry.

"You're not mad, are you?," Bright asks, walking closer to Win.

Win manages a watery smile. "I am overwhelmed. I was so worried that I wouldn't have time for the dinner party preps and that the VIP suppliers would come home to a mess of a house and no food - and like some superhero, you somehow knew what I needed and saved my day. It just seems so unreal..."

"Come on, this isn't the first time I came through for you."

"You come through for me all the time. And each time, it still feels like a miracle."

Bright hugs Win from behind, kissing the back of Win's head before resting his chin on the crook of Win's neck. "You can always count on me."

"Bright Alonzo Guntithanon...," Win whispers, closing his eyes and enjoying the embrace.

Bright chuckles. "You know, when you say my whole government name in that voice, I always think you're either very, very angry or very, very, horny. I guess, I was wrong about that."

"You're not wrong."


Win intertwines his fingers with Bright's. "Decor? Dependability? A to do list done and dusted? Bright Guntithanon, this is practically porn."

Bright huffs out a guttural laugh.

But the laughter dies when Win turns around and presses his lips on the soft skin connecting Bright's jaw and ear.
His tongue licks Bright's lobe as he whispers: "I want you Guntithanon."

Win's voice is like warm honey that caresses Bright's veins, awakening parts of him that yearned for Win's flesh.

Win has backed him into a wall, hands deftly unbuttoning Bright's old shirt as he worships his lips. Bright was breathing hard, lips swollen, body tense and arched. "Your dinner- ", Bright tries to protest even as Win starts to suck on his chest and fumble with the front tie of Bright's gray joggers.

"We have 45 minutes before anyone gets here," Win says, lips never leaving Bright's burning skin.

"I want more than 45 minutes with you," Bright says before greedily pulling Win's hair upwards so their mouths were together again.

Win's hands slips into Bright's now loose joggers, he smiles a naughty smile as his hands do even naughtier things. "Take it or leave it Guntithanon."

Teasing Bright had the exact effect Win wanted. Bright whirls him around and he finds himself face first on the wall, Bright crowding him from behind. "I'll take you. You know I'll take you."

"Good choice," Win says, turning his head so he could steal a kiss from his husband's angelic lips, coaxing them to commit sin.

Bright was very willing to fall from grace.

Lips and teeth and tongues work together to drive each man to the brink of pleasure.
As their fingers explored and pushed on each other's sanity.

A star paper lantern is dislodged as Bright's back crashes into another wall as Win sinks down to his knees. The decor bounces on Bright's shoulder and onto the floor.

It snaps Win from his love drunk haze. "Let's go to the bedroom."

"Impatient. Couch," Bright growls, voice thick with want.

Win presses a kiss on Bright's lips. "If we don't go to the bedroom, we will destroy all the decor you worked so hard on."

Bright giggles. "Hard on."

Win swats his arm. "We have thirty five minutes. Do you want to spend that time on jokes?"

The answer was obvious.

Soon, two pairs of legs are seen sprinting to the second floor.

And the sound of a protesting bed frame reverberates all throughout the house.

"Guntithanon," Win moans into the pillows.

"Bright Alonzo Guntithanon!"

Bright smiles as he sinks himself into his beloved.
He will never tire of hearing his name on Win's lips.
He wonders how many times he can get Win to say it before the first guest arrives.

- truly the end -

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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