eight | it would seem confusion is among us

Start from the beginning

“You are an exceptional vampire, young one,” Marcus told him, and opened the door. Upon walking in, Marcus's eyes immediately landed on his trembling son.

Stephanos was sitting on the floor, knees pulled to his chest as he trembled. Looking up at his Papa, he gave him a weak smile,”Hi, papa,” he whispered

“Hi, Stephan,” Marcus whispered back, offering him a gentle smile but there was guilt in his eyes,”How’re you feeling, little one?”

“How I assume my victims must feel,” Stephanos whispered brokenly, he felt absolutely miserable as his body still littered in cracks and the trembled shook his tired body

“What can I do for you?” Marcus questioned, desperately wanting to make his son feel better. He couldn't help but feel extra guilty seeing him like this

“There's nothing you can do, papa,” Stephanos muttered,”It'll pass eventually,” he whispered as a terrible tremble passed through him causing his body to shake and him to hold his legs close to his chest as it passed

“I’m so sorry, little one,” Marcus murmured, his emotion getting the best of him as he watched his son

“What for?” Stephanos questioned after the small episode passed, giving his papa confused eyes

“I am to blame for your predicament. I-I was the one who gave you this life,” Marcus spoke softly, his eyes slightly filling with venom as his emotion rose,”I am the reason for your pain and I am so pitifully sorry,” he apologized, his words shocking Stephanos as he had never blamed his papa for any of his troubles

“I do not blame you, papa,” Stephanos whispered sincerely,”I never have and never will. You saved me from that wretched human life I lived, and though I don’t remember it fully I remember how it felt. I’ve never felt as miserable as I did back then even now,” he told him as strongly as he could

“You mean this? You’re not just saying this?” Marcus questioned, he had dealt with this guilt for eons and he truly needed to know if his son blamed him

“I mean it with all of my dead heart, papa,” Stephanos promised, and once again this moment was a reminder of the curse put upon him. They should be hugging and taking a moment together in silence just letting each other know that they love and cherish them.

Ti voglio bene, figlio mio (I love you, my son),” Marcus said softly, a thankful smile on his lips

Ti amo, papa (I love you, papa),” Stephanos replied instantly, giving him a weak smile

After a moment of silence, Stephanos sighed as he thought of his mate,”Is he still out there?” he asked, Jasper having cracked the door open slightly just to tell him he’d be there waiting for him after begging him to let him in

“He is,” Marcus confirmed, nodding his head and taking a seat at the table on the other side of the room,”He’s true to his word,”

“I feel awful about all of this,” Stephanos sniffed, putting his face into his hands

“Of what, little one?” Marcus questioned, making sure to keep a gentle tone

“Of putting him through all of this. He’s been put into my ring of chaos and I just don’t feel like I’m worthy of him. He’s been so understanding and in return I continue to invite him into my black hole of problems,” Stephanos ranted, his eyes turning pitch black from the pure emotion,”I’m a mess, papa and he’s stuck with me for all eternity. What kind of life is that? To be stuck with me of all vampires,” he spoke intensely, it was obvious this had been bothering him for a while and he had no outlet

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