☆A new beginning☆

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"Alright, we're here, a brand new start." Naomi said, looking around with her hand above her eyes to block out the sun.

"Are you sure my parents won't find me?" Amelia asks in a worried tone.

"They might have people out looking but we are going to restart and put all this behind us, plus we never told them where we are going." Naomi said reassuring Amelia.

"Well if we want to have a good life here, we might as well look for a house to live in instead of my ship." Naomi said looking at Amelia.

They started to look around the town they were in exploring all day trying to also look for a house to live in instead of staying in the ship the whole time.

Back at the castle...

"No! I don't care that we don't know where she is! I want my daughter back here away from that stupid pirate!" Joseph yelled.

"Sir, I'm sorry you are upset but we can't find them, I told you we looked everywhere we could. I have my men looking all over this town and other towns and even different towns that are farther away." The guard said.

"I don't care how far away certain towns are, I want my daughter to come back and to stay far away from that nasty pirate!" Joseph yelled.

"Alright sir, we will try our best but we might not find her until years later." The guard says starting to walk towards the door.

"I don't care! Find her!" Joseph yelled.

"Honey we have to be patient, I know you want her back but we will get her back soon we just have to wait, soon she will realize what a mistake shes made leaving her fiancee and running off with that pirate." Victoria said.

"Do you want to go out to eat, we can talk about the places we found today, and it will be a nice little break because tomorrow we are going to look at more places." Naomi asked Amelia.

"Sure, that would be nice." Amelia said starting to put on one of Naomis shirts.

They get ready and start to head to a restaurant they found when they were exploring the town. They get in the restaurant and get seated and start to order their food and drinks.

"This place is pretty affordable, and its such a nice place." Amelia said looking around.

"We should go here for our next date night." Naomi said while smirking at Amelia.

"Yeah, that would be fun." Amelia said smiling at Naomi as the waiter cam over with their drinks.

"Here you go, an ice tea and a beer, your food will be ready in a bit sorry for the wait!" The waiter said.

"Thanks!" Amelia said starting to drink her iced tea.

They start to drink their drinks and talking when they seen two guards in the door way talking to a waiter.

"Oh shit, thats my dads guards they must be searching for me." Amelia said covering her face and looking away.

"We are looking for Amelia Dior have you seen her?" One of the guards said while the other one is looking around for her.

"No I'm sorry, I don't know who that is." The waiter told them.

They walk out disappointed.

"Do you think they seen my boat, because if they know I'm here then they know that you're here, they seen us running off together." Naomi said holding Amelias hand.

"I don't think so because they would have went on the boat and asked the other people and searched the whole town and figured out that we are here." Amelia said.

The waiter walks up to them and hand them their food.

"This food is so good! Anyways, can we take a nap after we look for some places to live? Because I'm already quite tired." Amelia asked.

"Yeah of course babe, I'm also tired. Hopefully we find a nice place today." Naomi said taking a bite of her food.

The finish eating and pay the bill and start to look around for places to live. After a while they have looked at quite a few places but they couldn't find one. Until they found a beautiful house with 4 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, a basement, a first floor, a second floor, and a huge backyard.

"Could I talk to my girlfriend really quick?" Naomi asked.

"Yes of course!" The realtor said.

They walk away and start to talk.

"I love this place so much, I think I want to live here." Amelia said.

"Me too, so should we buy it?" Naomi asked.

"Yeah!" Amelia said with excitement.

"Alright we'll take it!" Naomi announced.

"Great!" The realtor said.

They all walked over to the kitchen counter to sign some papers. They finished signing it and the realtor left the house and removed a sign and put a new one that said "sold". They went back to the boat and put the keys for the house away and got ready for bed and started to sleep.

im so sorry it took me so long to releash this part but i had writers block for like months. I hope you enjoy im also working chapter 7. Merry (late) Christmas!

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