☆The plan☆

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"Excuse me, hey are you okay?" Amelia asked.

"Huh, what?" They said then turned their head to see Amelia standing there.

"Oh my god, it's you!" Amelia says in shock when she realizes it's Naomi.

"Oh, hey your royal majesty, princess Amelia." Naomi says drunk slurring her words.

"A-Are you drunk?" Amelia asks.

"I would never get drunk, I don't feel good." Naomi says then turns her head over and pukes.

"You are drunk, ugh hold on I'll be right back don't move." Amelia says, sighing.

"Yes royal majesty Amelia." Naomi says.

Amelia comes back with a napkin and a bottle of water.

"Drink this and here let me clean you up." Amelia says while wiping Naomi's mouth. Naomi starts to blush and drinks the water to hide her face from blushing, though Amelia didn't think anything of it because she is drunk.

"Why are you helping me if you hate me?" Naomi asks.

"Well, I don't exactly hate you, my parents just taught me to because of our dads." Amelia says while helping Naomi up and walks her to a hill in a field.

"My dad got killed by your dad. And I saw it happen. I walked over to my dad to see your dad with my dads sword in his hand. I don't know why I'm saying this." Naomi said starting to become sober and feeling better from being hungover.

"No it's okay, I'm sorry you had to see that that must have been really tough. My dad taught me to hate you and your family. I'm guessing that you know what really happened." Amelia said.

"What do you mean?" Naomi said.

"Well my parents say that your dad was evil and tried to kill my dad to steal his money and that you and all the other pirates are evil. But now that I'm talking to you I don't understand how they think you're evil." Amelia said.

"My dad was killed by your dad because my dad did try to steal money from him but that's because my mom cheated on my dad and we could no longer afford anything so during that time my dad who was the captain and the other pirates were making a plan so that my dad could steal some of your dads money but he never tried to kill him." Naomi said.

"Oh, well I'm glad I actually know the story. Were you close with your dad?" Amelia said in a sad tone.

"Yeah me and my dad were really close especially after my mom left, after she did we couldn't really afford anything so he taught me how to steal and after he died I was just a small kid so I started to steal anything I could with my friends. Their parents were like my second family, they still are. I'm so grateful that they took me in after my dad died. They knew what happened and I never understood why your dad did it because they were such good friends." Naomi explained.

"Well now you do know what actually happened. I wish me and my dad had that relationship. But we don't. My mom and dad always have favorited my brother. He's older than me and he has always been the favorite. There's only one maid that understands me in my castle, I'm not close with my parents at all. I go to the bar sometimes and Tom really understands and he's the closest friend and kind of my only friend other than the maid who works for us. And I really liked you when we were younger, you were fun to be around until my parents told me what happened and I was upset that my only friend was being stripped away from me." Amelia said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I hated your family but not you. You were also my only friend. But now I'm the captain of the ship and now I'm friends with everyone but part of me still misses you and the friendship my dad and yours had. So I started drinking, it's kind of my escape." Naomi said

"It's okay, it's not your fault it's my parents fault. My dad killed your dad and now I'm forced to get married. So I understand why you hate my family." Amelia said.

"Wait, you're getting married?" Naomi said, surprised.

"Yeah. I hate the guy though. It's an arranged marriage. The guy is so self centered, I really don't want to marry him. It's the day after the ball which is in 2 weeks and tomorrow I meet the guy that is my fiance which I didn't even know about until yesterday." Amelia said.

"Oh the ball is when I sail my ship." Naomi said.

"Yeah, I know, which is why I. Nevermind." Amelia said.

"No, tell me." Naomi says.

"I was kind of hoping you could take me on your ship and take me away from here. My parents suck and I don't want to get married. His family really sucks too and he's kind of sexist." Amelia says.

"Yes. I could take you on my ship, under one condition." Naomi says.

"What is it?" Amelia said.

"If you bring me my fathers sword." Naomi said, looking at Amelia.

"That's kind of impossible. It's in my dads room but there's always guards outside of his room. Wait actually, they won't be there the night of the ball." Amelia said.

"Then bring it to me before I leave and I'll let you on." Naomi said.

"I will. Thanks for actually agreeing I really didn't think you would help because I thought you hated me." Amelia said.

"I don't hate you. I just hate your family. I actually really like you." Naomi said, looking away from Amelia.

"You- you like me... like really really like me..?" Amelia asked, blushing.

"Yeah, I know you don't like girls but I-" Naomi says but gets cut off by Amelia kissing Naomi.

Hope you like this story so far. Chapter 3 coming soon!

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