☆The Runaway☆

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"Alright, I have time, I'll pack my bags now." Amelia says to herself. She packs her bags and sneaks over to her fathers room.

"Ok great, no guards, I was right." Amelia says while opening her bag and sneaking in.

"Where is this sword? Oh there it is, wow it's so cool. Oh great there's a lock." Amelia says and puts her bag down and starts looking for the key.

"There it is, okay I have to be careful so I don't set off any alarms." Amelia says to herself. She grabs the swords and stuffs it in her bag and heads to the ball.

"Hey sweety we were waiting for you. You look great now go find your husband." Amelia's mom said.

"Mom, he's not my husband." Amelia told her.

"Well not yet." Her mom said smiling.

"Hey William." Amelia said.

"Hello your majesty, excited for tomorrow?" William said.

"I guess." Amelia said, taking William's hand.

"Come on, we have to give a toast. Also call me your husband or king from now on because we'll be married tomorrow." William says.

"Alright everyone! Thank you all for coming to this ball! Hope you all have a great time! And now a toast from our new king and queen starting tomorrow!" Amelia's dad announces.

"Hello everyone! I hope I see you guys at the wedding tomorrow! Well having Amelia as my wife is going to be great. She's beautiful and she will be cooking for me when my chef can't!" William says as everyone laughs same with him and Amelia rolls her eyes.

"Ugh seriously he's not even funny." Amelia says in her head.

"Do you want to say anything my fiance?" William asks.

"No, I don't have anything to say." Amelia says annoyed.

"Ok goodbye everyone have a great night!" William says.

"Amelia, William, come sit. So William I'm so glad my daughter is marrying you, such a handsome man!" Amelia's mom says.

"You are such a good man William, so glad my daughter has such a good man to be married to. Thankful my daughter has a man and not someone else like a woman. Ha would you imagine that!" Amelia's dad said laughing.

Amelia fake laughs and gets excused to go to the washroom.

"Fuck, I hate my family, they are so homophobic. I'm scared about this now because they will send guards to look for me and they will punish me for being with a girl. And what if Naomi hates me and has already left. Well I need to get out there, wait a few hours and leave when everyone is distracted." Amelia says to herself, sighing.

She goes back into the ballroom and talks to everyone to buy some time before she leaves.

A few hours later.

"Hello Amelia, let's dance." William says.

"Ok just this dance then we will talk to my parents and I can leave without anyone knowing. Finally." AMelia says to herself.

They dance and then head over to her parents.

"William, you are pretty good at dancing." Amelia's dad said.

"Um, can I be excused." Amelia asks.

"Again? Well ok then go." Amelia's dad says.

"I'm going to go check up on her I don't know why she's going to the washroom so much." Amelia's mom said.

Amelia goes towards the bathroom and then looks to see if anyone is watching and then goes to grab her bags. But her mom sees her and goes to get William and Amelia's dad.

"Joseph, Amelia is grabbing a bunch of bags." Amelia's mom says.

They go over to Amelia right when she's opening the doors.

"Amelia Dior, what are you doing?" Amelia's father asked which made everyone look.

"I um, I'm getting some fresh air." Amelia said lying.

"Amelia, you have bags with you. Are you trying to leave the ball without doing the dance with your fiance?" Amelia's mom said.

"I um... I'm leaving. You all suck and I do not want to marry WIlliam! He's stuck up and self centered and quite sexist, he thinks all women belong in the kitchen!" Amelia yells.

"Amelia Dior! You can not leave! He's your fiance! Don't you dare leave!" Amelia's mom yells.

"I'm leaving you can't stop me!" Amelia yells.

Her parents and William and lots of other people at the ball chase after her. Amelia runs towards the dock where the boat is.

"Amelia, why are you going this way? Why are you going towards the ship! Are you running away with those nasty pirates!" Amelia's dad says.

Amelia stops in front of the ship where Naomi is waiting inside watching for her and she can hear when she's there.

"Mom, Dad, William, I like girls! I'm in love with Naomi. Don't even try to say that I need to marry a man and liking girls is wrong! I don't care, this is who I am! I know the whole story of what happened with dad and Naomi's dad! Don't try to change my mind! I fucking love Naomi and I'm giving her back her dads sword! I can't believe you killed her dad with his own sword!" Amelia yells while starting to tear up. Naomi walks behind her.

"Amelia, you like girls! You're disgusting! Liking girls is disgusting! And how dare you speak to us like that! And Naomi is evil and her family her dad stole from us! Don't you dare step foot on that boat!" Amelia's dad yells.

"Try and stop me!" Amelia says and turns around to see Naomi standing there smiling at her.

"Hey, I heard you love me. Is that true?" Naomi asks.

"Oh hi, I uh, yeah i really really do. I never thought I would like girls but you make me feel so happy and I just love you." Amelia says.

"I love you too Amelia." Naomi says while smiling.

"Really?" Amelia asks.

"Really." Naomi says and kisses Amelia.

"I can't believe you, this is disgusting! Give back my sword now!" Amelia's dad yells.

"No, she won't. You killed my dad, instead of helping him. Amelia is so beautiful and sweet and you can't see that. I love her for who she is. She's amazing, goodbye." Naomi says and the boat drives away. Amelia's mom starts to cry.

this is chapter 4. i hope you like it and im currently writting chapter 5 so what that is finished i will publish it thanks for reading!

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