I Thought This Was Funny

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So, there was a scene in BFDIA 4: Zeeky Boogy Doog, that I thought was funny. Just to inform you, BFDIA is season two of BFDI, who were both created by JacknJellify and their crew. All characters and the scene mentioned are made by them.

Okay, here is the scene.

Book and Tennisball are having a conversation on the Eiffel Tower.

Book: So, what are we battling for?

Tennisball: Dream Island!

Book: Dream Island?...That sounds like a disease! (I fell laughing while hearing this)

Tennisball: Well, it's not! To quote the gray faceless robot, a whole square mile of paradise, blah blah blah blah, and the winner even gets to decide who gets to come on and who doesn't.

Book: Hey, that sound great! Well, if it weren't for all the blah blah blah's. Thanks for telling me TB, now I feel well informed!

Tennisball: You mean well read! *maniacal laugh*

Book then uses anti-freeze on Tennisball.

Again, this scene, the characters, and BFDIA were made by JacknJellify on YouTube. Just to clarify.

Until next time!

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