“How about … we go away for the weekend?” Sebastian suggested, pulling my hair behind my ears. “Actually, why not take the rest of the week off?”

“Don’t you have to work?”

“Nah, I can call in sick.”

I smiled, my hands raking through his hair on the back of his head. “Where would you take me?”

“Wherever you want,” he pecked my lips, “we have the yacht for the whole week.”

“What!” I chuckled. “You’re crazy.”

He kissed me deeper. “Crazy about you.”

I didn’t know how to reply to that. I felt flustered, but also a bit guilty. Before I could get too carried away with his kiss, I pulled back. “Uh … I need to tell you something.” I guess this is really it. I could have used a whole week relaxing on a yacht with such a wonderful man, but it would be unfair, wouldn’t it? I’m leaving for London in 10 days, that’s pretty much a death sentence for such a young relationship.

Sebastian left his hand between my neck and my cheek. “Is it the reason you’ve been so downcast lately?”

“Not quite …” I pulled away from his touch, starting to pace around. When I stopped, I took a deep breath, and braced myself. “Okay, well … I told you I quit my job, right?”

“Yes. You did the right thing.” Sebastian nodded. “You should never bow to such tyrants.”

I half smiled. Sometimes it’s odd, he’s so understanding and so calm all the time, yet so passionate, so … wild in other circumstances. “Well, one reason why I did it, is because I was offered something else.” I mentioned. Sebastian looked at me, curious. “In London.” I finished.

“London?” He repeated, predictably marveled.

“My friend Adam, he recommended me to his old employer over there, and they agreed to give me a … probation period.” I blurted out fast. “Four months.” No answer. “I-uh … I’m supposed to leave in 10 days.”

Sebastian’s eyebrows arches in surprise. “Ten days? Wow, that’s quite the short notice.”

“Well, uh … technically I’ve known for … a couple of weeks, I just …” I bit on my lips compulsively, nervous and guilty. “I’m sorry, I … I should have been upfront with you.”

“Did you know when we met?”

“Oh! No, no I … no, I mean, yes, when we met I had just been offered the position,but I was mostly sure I was going to refuse." Yeah, if that’s any better. “But that, of course, doesn’t excuse me.” I shook my head. “I should have told you immediately, I’m sorry.”

Sebastian frowned. “Why? You had no obligations.”

No? “Well, uh … I mean …” I pointed at the two of us, “we-uh …”

He took a couple of steps towards me and, much to my surprise, he embraced me, placing a small kiss on my cheek. “It’s only been 13 days, but even if it had been 13 years, I still would have no saying in your decisions, Vivian.”

“But …”

“You don’t need to consult me. Or rather, yes to consulting, but at the end of the day, it’s still your decision. Whichever the subject.” 

That felt refreshing, in more ways than he could imagine. It hit me hard, because it reminded me of all those times Laura told me I should not let Chris bully me into making choices that suit him. I always thought she exaggerated, but maybe she was right. If I think back to these past 10 years, I realize that I've always gone his way. Whichever the decision, from which movie to watch to where to go to college, where to live, sometimes even what to wear.

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now