"Okay. I'll head west, Dina can take south, and you come from the east. But be smart about it, yeah?"



While Joel and Tommy were out patrolling, they were ambushed by a bunch of infected.

Taking shelter in one of the abandoned buildings, they rest for a bit.

"Damn. It's no joke. Seems like (Y/N) is right on the money." Tommy said.

"Yeah. He must've been through similar shit." Then Joel remembers something. "Also, try to keep his name to yourself out here. His name is Ace."

Tommy rolled his eyes.

"I get that he killed the Fireflies, Fedra, whatever kinds, but there's like hundreds of (Y/N)s* out there. Maybe a few dozen still.

*(This is where Drunkman is wrong about the part two game. There could still be hundreds of Joel out there right?)

"I don't wanna risk it." Joel looked down on the floor. "He and Ellie started to get close again. And I want them to keep it that way."

"Reminds you of you ain't he?"


A close gunshot can be heard within their range, and the duo quickly readied their weapon in hands.

"Hear that?"

They steadily approach the direction of the gunshot. There they see infected breaking through the fence, going after an unknown female.

Without hesitation, Joel rushed over and saved her by blowing the closing runner with his revolver.

"Gimme your hand!"

The girl grabbed his helping hand, and got on her feet.

"We're gonna have to run."


"There's too many of them!" Tommy fired a shot at another one. The fence is slowly changing its shape as more of them tackle themselves on it.

"I'll cover you, get going!"

Under Joel's order, Tommy and the girl rushed back inside the building. Joel follows them not far behind.

"Ah shit! Hold up!"

Infected crashed through the door inside, cutting their way out. So Tommy lights a molotov and burns them, but the numbers are too big to handle.

"Through here! Come on!"

They quickly went in the different side of the place, barricading the door to catch a breather.

"You okay?"


"Where the hell'd they all come from?" Tommy asks a meaningless question.

"It don't matter. What does is where we goin'?"

"I reckon we go out the back, break for the lodge."

"Yeah, ain't got a better idea. Hey, you got a gun?" He asks the girl.


"Hope you're good shot."

The trio are finding a way out, at the same time searching through the place.

"We gotta warn everyone....come back with a clean up crew. Maybe have him..." Tommy remembers what Joel told him a few minutes ago. "Have Ace handle this one on his own like last time."

"I ain't letting him in on this suicide mission." Joel doesn't like the idea that (Y/N) just goes against them, not with the numbers like this.

Sure he did his part solo, but the possibility of him losing is way bigger in this case.

The Best Of Us. (Ellie X Male Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ