Turn on the TV

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Emma opened the door as she sighed, her dog welcoming her like he always did, his tail wagging back and forth.

"Ohh, sweet angel",  Emma whispered to him with the usual baby voice. Chewy - her dog's name - was a beautiful rescue dog who had approached her five years ago and they had been inseparable since that day. 

Her sister - Jenny - must've heard her entering the house because she quickly appeared in front of her.

"You're late", she stated, her arms rested on her hips. 

"When am i not?" she asked retorically, a hint of exhaustion in her eyes. She looked at Chewy again and a  smile managed to appear on her sleep deprived face. He was still wagging his tail and waiting for cuddles, but Emma was too tired to give him the attention he 100% needed and deserved.

"I'll forget what your face looks like one day" Jenny tried to sound playful but the tone of her voice showed her concern.

Emma managed a weak smile. Luckily their mother appeared and stopped the conversation. Jenny was her younger sister but acted like the older one. Not in a negative way though, Emma knew Jenny loved her and worried about her, but sometimes it was too owerhelming for her.

"Want some pasta?" Her mom asked her. It was her way of welcoming her.

Emma nodded as she took her coat off. Her home felt warm and cozy, it was the nicest feeling after a stressful day.

Emma entered the kitchen, the room filled with the delicious scent of home-cooked food. She loved her mom's cooking, and being half italian her pasta had something absolutely special. 

"Want a big, small or medium portion?" her mom asked, knowing too well she had always chosen the big one.

Just as she was about to reply her phone started vibrating inside her pocket. Thinking something might've happened to one of her friends, Emma pulled the phone out to check what was all that fuss about. Among the usual array of mundane alerts, a group chat caught her eyes: it was a group chat of her old high school acquitances but she hadn't heard from them for a while. Well, friends was one big word since they only saw each other during history class; actually, she didn't even know why she was still a part of that group chat, or why she had been in the first place. She wanted to ignore it but her phone kept vibrating so, intrigued, Emma clicked on the chat. The words on the screen made her eyebrows furrow in confusion. 

"That's crazy, i can't believe it!!"

"I really need to move abroad"

"Are you 100% certain?"

Emma's mind raced with questions. What was going on? As the group chat, once dormant, was now buzzed with energy as they discussed an event she obviously knew nothing about, Emma decided to satisfy her curiosity.

What was the say? Curiosity killed the cat?

With an unexplainable sense of anticipation, Emma typed out a message:

"Hi, what's going on?"

Sarah Keller was typing a message, but she suddenly stopped. Emma waited for a few minutes and checked to see someone else had read her message. They did. All the ten person in group chat had stopped responding after her message. Were they ignoring her on purpose?

Curiosity piqued and Emma wrote another message:

"Can anyone tell me??"

For some reason her heart started beating faster against her chest, her fingers rested on the screen ready to type out another message.

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