Full Metal Drama

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This tanned dude walked over and sat down next to the two girls, and put his arms around both of them. "Lindsay, Beth! I want to propose something, but don't get excited, it's not marriage!" He laughed, but the two girls didn't find it funny. "Uh... anywho, it's a long way from the airplane to the ground below!" "Three kilometres, to be exact!" The brown-haired girl answered, but he quickly shook his head. "Wouldn't know, math is for ugly people."

She's not ugly. She's just... unattractive.

"Here's the deal! I need you two to jump before me in case I need a soft place to land, okay?!" He blinked at them both, but they weren't really enthusiastic. "Now, you girls now that I don't blink these eyelashes at just anybody!" He did it again, but nothing changed. "Nothing?! When were your last eye exams?!"

"Drop zone approaching! Form a line, it's time to partay! Stunt people undergo weeks of training before they parachute! Luckily, we're gonna skip all that and get to the good part! Jumping!" Harold stood up nervously. "Are you sure that's a good idea?!" "What's the worst that could happen!?" Chris asked, and a guy with a wired jaw answered him. "We die!" "I know! Hilarious! Haha! Time to jump!"

The ginger girl looked really excited to be jumping with the blonde guy. "There's only one way outta this big ol' silver bird! And it's through that door! Let's dance!" She tried pushing him, but he would shift at all, even when she tried really hard. "C'mon, it's not that scary." "Hello? Crazy girl's pushing me off an airplane, and I don't have a parachute lesson yet." 

Chris put his phone away, and talked to the blonde guy. "That's okay! I just spoke to our research department! There were no parachutes in World War I!" Heather narrowed her eyes, and raised a brow. "So, what do we do for a challenge?" "Simple!" He kicked the box of parachutes off of the plane, and the Gaffers, except Leshawna, gasped.

Chris walked over to me after everybody started freaking out, and asked me something. "Aren't you gonna lecture me?" I raised a brow. "Why would I lecture you?" "Because... it's dangerous?" I still didn't get why I'd lecture him. "And... making them jump out of a plane without parachutes and training could probably kill them?" He explained, but it wasn't really my responsibility. So, I shrugged, brushing it off. "Okay, that's cool, I guess." He didn't get why I wasn't lecturing him.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the dad supposed to lecture the kid, and not the other way around?

"For the love of everything deep-fried, don't ask me to do this!" The blonde guy started to beg on his knees for Chris to not make him jump out of the plane. "You won't do it for me, maybe you'll do it for a corn-beef blendee! Fetch, boy!" ...But he changed his mind after he threw a can of corn-beef out of the plane.

When the guy jumped out, the plane lost a bunch of weight, so every contestant fell out of the door, unwillingly. They all tripped falling out, too, but it wasn't really a problem, because there was a mattress to land on. The blonde guy looked around in surprise, before cheering for himself. "We're alive! Woo-hoo! Oh, it's good to be alive!"

"Let's roll, soldiers! Because the second part of this challenge is gonna blow your minds! And... everything else within a fifty-foot radius!"


The next set was pretty weird because I think the gist of it was to throw bombs at each other. Like, grenades and nukes, and stuff. "Are those... paint bombs?" The blonde girl asked, while the ginger girl started stuffing a bunch into her arms. "We've divided the camp into two halves. Most creative and controlled splatter wins."

"Talk about a challenge custom-made for me! I'm all over this!" Duncan happily grabbed a bunch of bombs in his arms. "Might I suggest you consult your friendly neighbourhood chem expert? Because, what is an explosion other than the chemical reaction of trinitrotoluene decomposing at C7H5N306, 3N2 plus 5H2O plus 7CO?" Me and Heather raised a brow at each other, and she looked like she didn't really get it either.

Total Drama Action (Lewis McLean)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt