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AUGUSTINE knew what she was feeling for her best friend wasn't ideal. she knew she shouldn't be feeling that way. she shouldn't get butterflies every time gracie smiled at her. and she definitely shouldn't have dreams about kissing the brunette. it was wrong. it was all so, so wrong.

but she couldn't help it. gracie was beautiful, inside and out.

"auggie? you okay? you got so quiet all of a sudden," gracie frowned, waving her hand in front of august's eyes. the redhead was pulled out of her trance and smiled up at her friend.

"what? oh, yeah— um, i'm fine," she said, faking a smile. she definitely wasn't fine. she felt guilty, dirty, and stupid. gracie was in a relationship. she was taken by some guy — brandon or something. they didn't seem happy, at least gracie didn't. but august didn't want to comment on it, she shouldn't interfere with gracie's love life.

"what's going on inside that pretty head of yours?" gracie asked, turning her body towards the redhead. little did she know that everything inside august's head was always, constantly related to her. to gracie abrams.

"really not a lot, i'm just exhausted," august shrugged, a light tipped smile playing on her lips. it wasn't the whole truth, but it wasn't a complete lie either. august was tired. she hadn't gotten much sleep recently.

"well, you have a few hours before we have to go, how about you take a nap? i'll stay right here, don't worry," gracie suggested, fluffing up one of the throw pillows on the couch. august shrugged, but after receiving gracie's come on look, she obliged and nodded slightly.

gracie put the pillow down by the arm rest, but august didn't move. "what's up, aug? lay down," gracie said, patting the pillow, "or would you rather lay here?" she asked, gesturing to her lap. august's cheeks turned beet red, and without thinking, she nodded.

"well then come on," gracie grinned, pulling august's head down onto her lap. she smiled down at her friend, gently running her hand through the girl's red strands, "sleep tight, aug, i'll be right here when you wake up," gracie whispered as august closed her eyes. soon, small snores were to be heard, and august's anxiety brows were gone. she was asleep, safe and sound in gracie's lap.

"morning, august," gracie muttered, her voice soft and filled with love. there was around an hour and a half left before the girls had to head out, and gracie knew august would want some time to get ready.

the redhead's blue eyes fluttered open, and a smile spread on her face when they met gracie's brown ones. "morning," she mumbled, rolling over, her face now facing the tv where some episode of friends was playing.

"you have an hour to get ready," gracie informed her friend, playing with her hair once again, "let's get up, hm?"

august groaned, burying her face in gracie's knees, "nuh-uh."

gracie chuckled, pushing august up from her lap and forcing the girl to stand up. she wrapped her arm around the girl and supported her, guiding her to the bedroom. "get ready. find an outfit in my closet you like and put it on," gracie said sternly, pointing towards the walk-in closet.

she had already planned an outfit, it was waiting for her in the bathroom. august was supposed to bring some clothes from home, but to no one's surprise, she completely forgot about that. gracie didn't mind lending her an outfit. they'd borrowed each other's clothes since they were 16.

"you look incredible, cici," august breathed out when gracie left the bathroom, "you're such a gorgeous human being."

gracie blushed, she was never good at compliments. "thank you, auggie, you look beautiful as well," she said, looking at the redhead's outfit. it was the white lace top gracie recently purchased, paired with a pair of black dress pants.

BOUND TO FALL IN LOVE - gracie abramsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora