*Bonus chapter*

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As we entered the rooftop I spotted Yeosang eating peacefully in the corner. He looked me in the eyes and smiled at me. I was ready to snap at him when sunbae patted my shoulder and told me to calm down. He got a point. I've found my best friend and that was the important part. Thanks to Hongjoong, I didn't make a big scene.

Once we collected Yeosang, I dragged them to the school's cafeteria. There, I told sunbae to choose whatever he wanted. But Hongjoong ordered just a plain coffee. I wasn't satisfied and got him a piece of cake. Then, we sat at a table by the window. During that time, sunbae didn't say much.

"Thank you, sunbae," I told him again.

"It's nothing," he responded, drinking his coffee.

"Wooyoung'ah, who's that guy?" Yeosang spoke out of the blue. I was ready to kill him and sink under the ground.

"I'm Kim Hongjoong, second year in the music department."

I was grateful for Hongjoong's composure during that time. Soon, I asked him to be our friend. At first, he tried to refuse, saying he didn't do much. Yet, I wasn't ready to take no for an answer. And that was how Hongjoong sunbae became our friend. Afterwards, we became really good friends. Thanks to him, we met with Yunho and his boyfriend. During the time being friends with Hongjoong, he had helped us a lot of times. Every time I've lost Yeosang, Hongjoong always knew where he was. He supported us in our downs and ups. He reminded me a lot of my older brother, who was away from home. Even when we disagreed, even when we didn't talk, Hongjoong was ready to apologize or forgive me. He was there for me as an older brother.


I couldn't forget the face and voice of that person. Ever since that night, I met him under the rain. But I didn't ask him for his name, nor his phone. And his umbrella was left with me. Honestly, he was the only one in my thoughts. To the point, I couldn't do anything else. My friends had noticed it too. But they didn't know what was going on.

"Thinking about that guy? I swear, if he comes my way, I'll kill him," San spoke.

"Yeah, he's a dead meat," Jongho added, continuing to read his book.

"No, it's not about him," I told them.

Hearing that, my friends turned my way, looking confused. They knew nothing about the rain stranger, and it was time to tell them. So, I took a deep breath before telling them about it. The Choi brothers listened to me, as I spoke about my experience with the person who comforted me in the rain. Once I finished, they took a moment, trying to sort it out, and then they showed a look of relief.

"So he just left, and you couldn't even get his name?" San asked me, and I nodded.

"Yeah. He seemed to be around our age, maybe a student too."

"That doesn't help us much," Jongho commented.

Afterwards, we spent some more time talking, before each of us, left for their lectures. I walked to the lecture, hoping to have plenty of empty spots. Yet, there were only a few. Everything, was packed with people. And I had barely managed to get a seat. I was wondering what all the fuse was about. Then, I listened to the voices going around the hall. I learned that there were going to be guest lecturers. Some of them were our seniors. From the talk, going around, I learned that, the main attraction was the seniors. I quickly learned their names: Bang Chan, Choi Hyunsuk, Jung Yunho, Jung Wooyoung, and the most popular of them all, Kim Hongjoong. I also learned that half of them were younger than me, but they were smart enough to be in the upper class. And they were also good-looking. They were also popular among their majors and the rest of uni. But Kim Hongjoong was the top. Everyone called him the mysterious genius of the music department. It got me slightly curious, but until he was the rain stranger, I wasn't interested.

I didn't pay much attention to the lecture. Most of the guests were well-known faces in my department. I spend my time drawing instead of listening to them. I was drawing some fashion models inspired by the Rain Man. As I drew, I heard the names of my seniors. I decided to look up and see what the fuse was about. In front of us stood four short guys and one tall. All of them were handsome. But only one of them caught my eye. It was the rain man. He stood there, smiling kindly and waiting for his turn. I waited patiently for his turn to come so I could hear his voice and name. It took some time before his turn. That way, I had eliminated the other three names out of five. Now, only two names were left. His name was either Choi Hyunsuk or Kim Hongjoong. He stood up. I held my breath, waiting to hear his name. He spoke a couple of words before introducing himself.

"My name is Kim Hongjoong, and I'll be taking over..." he spoke in the same lovely voice I knew.

Kim Hongjoong... his name was pretty. But the better part was hearing his voice as he presented his part of the lecture. I drowned in the sound of his honey-like voice. Hongjoong's way with words was incredible. He had managed to capture the whole hall and silence everyone. I couldn't help but write down every single word that came out of his mouth.

Once the lecture was over, I tried to reach out to Hongjoong. But he and the other seniors were quick to leave. All of them were gone. But at least I learned his name and department. I had also noticed the seniors closer to him. Those two guys, Jung Wooyoung and Jung Yunho. I could use that to my advantage.


Later that day, I went to watch San's practice. We had agreed to go home together since our schedules were mismatched, by only twenty minutes. So, I went to his practice studio and tried to find myself a spot. Luckily, there weren't many people, and I could see a couple spots on the front row. I walked to one of the front seats. On my way to it, I noticed someone familiar. It was Jung Wooyoung. He was there, staring intensely at San. That was my chance. I approached Wooyoung with my unpure intentions, but I didn't care. He was my golden ticket. Not to mention how easy it would be, knowing he drools after Sannie. I should treat San afterwards.

Emotionless |seongjoong|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang