Chapter 2: Investigations, Interrogations, and Revelations

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Lightseaker was pacing outside while at the same time trying to think of who could've killed her mother. The NightWing-RainWing hybrid sighed softly and spread her wings. First things first, she needed to inform Queen Glory about the situation.

Lightseaker flew as fast as she could to the Queen's treehouse. She knocked on the wooden door and when she got a confirmation to enter, she slowly. Queen Glory looked a bit amused and concerned when she saw Lightseaker's disheveled appearance. Her talons were bloodstained, her wings felt like they were on fire because of all the flying she had done, and her eyes were bloodshot. She had stayed up all night trying to think of a plan while also being kept awake by nightmares.

"Three moons child! You look as if you've just come from a crime scene or a blood bath," the Queen remarked with an amused gleam in her eyes as she stared at Lightseaker's blood-stained talons and overall rigid appearance. She sighed and lowered her head, not wanting to look the older dragon in the eyes. With a deep breath to prepare herself, Lightseaker began to explain the events that had happened over the last 24 hours.

"Three moons! That was... a lot of grim details," Glory finally said once Lightseaker had finished recounting her recollection of the events that had transpired earlier that day.

"We need to start an investigation, Lightseaker, I want you and your friends to gather up all of the RainWings and NightWings together, then have them gather in the center of the rainforest, I'll right a report and inform the other queens," Glory explained and Lightseaker bowed to Queen Glory before making her way out of the treehouse.

It took some time but eventually Lightseaker and her friends gathered up all of the RainWings and NightWings in the center of the forest. Once they had all landed onto the forest floor, Queen Glory was already there waiting for them.

Many of the RainWings and NightWings were whispering amongst themselves, no doubt wondering what was so important that all of the queens needed to attend this gathering.

"Alright, please be quiet everyone! We need your undivided attention!" Queen Glory exclaimed in a serious tone of voice that made everyone shut their mouths.

Once everyone was silent, Glory began speaking again.

"Just a few minutes ago, Lightseaker informed me that she and her friends entered her home to see the sight of blood tracks. And in the living room, her mother was found dead with multiple stab wounds and her throat was slit. We will be interrogating each and everyone of you. Lightseaker, Silverwings, Cleverclaws, and Treejumper will be questioning you." She paused for a moment before continuing, "after all, they were the witnesses who found Truthfinder dead in her own home."

"Up first, Maple, please come forward," Lightseaker said, hissing and glaring at the creepy and sketchy RainWing. She used to be a science teacher in the school but she got caught doing deadly and dangerous experiments in her classroom.

"What?! I would never harm Truthfinder! I swear on my life! I mean, yes, we didn't see eye-to-eye, but I would never lay a talon on her. I've tried to show her some of my experiments but she always told me that it was too dangerous for her sweet and innocent little dragonet." Maple said while making air-quotes with her talons. Lightseaker huffed in distain at Maple as she continued to talk and talk about how she was being accused of committing a terrible crime just because she got fired from the science lab for mixing so called harmless and dangerous chemicals together that should never be mixed.

"OH FOR THE LOVE OF STARCLAN! Just answer the question!" Silverwings growled angrily. "Were you near Lightseaker's home or not?" she questioned with a glair and a twitch of her tail.

"No! No! No! I never said that you stupid dragonet! I said that I had shown her some of my experiments but she had yelled at me to leave!" Maple sniffed with a hoty and smug expression.

"Yeah why do you think? You got fired from the science lab because you were testing dangerous experiments and you were caught mixing a lot of suspicious chemicals together that should NEVER be combined!" Lightseaker snapped at Maple with a cat-like yowl. Her tail was lashing and her eyes burning with fury as she dug her claws into the grass of the forest floor.

"Hmph! Now that's just rude! I'm a scientist for crying out loud! That's my job!" Maple said, trying to defend herself. She was failing badly though. Lightseaker flicked her tail and called the next suspect to the stand.

I wonder what he has to say on the matter? Lightseaker wondered to herself as she silently observed the large NightWing. His eyes scanned the watching crowd of dragons as he slowly patted over to the center of the clearing.

Lightseaker sighed softly and flicked her tail, she sighed again as she turned to look over at Cleverclaws, who looked at Lightseaker with a puzzled expression on her face. They didn't know who did it yet, but to find the answers, they would just have to wait and see what Risktaker's testimony would bring to the stand.

"I want whoever it is to just come out and admit that they killed Truthfinder!" Cleverclaws quietly hissed into Lightseaker's ear. While she was talking to Lightseaker, the NightWing's blue eyes narrowed into slits as she glared at both Maple and Risktaker.


Who do you think did it? I'll give you a list of the suspects in question.

RainWing: Maple: she's pretty sketchy and quick to become defensive. She's a former science teacher, but she was forced to quote when other dragons started to question her teaching conditions.

NightWing: Risktaker: he's pretty secretive and keeps to himself for the most part. Hmm... that seems pretty suspicious, wouldn't you guys agree?

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