Chapter 1: Bloodstained Leaves and a Killer is in the Village

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Lightseaker turned to face her two friends with curious and excited amethyst eyes. There next class was tree gliding practice, which was Lightseaker's favorite class of the day.

"Are you ready to go tree gliding, Lightseaker?" Silverwings asked while smiling at both Lightseaker and Cleverclaws with a bright smile. Lightseaker nodded eagerly in was really good at tree gliding, she grinned even wider at the thought. The reason that she's so good at tree gliding is probably because of her RainWing half... yes, you heard that right, Lightseaker's a hybrid, specifically, a NightWing-RainWing hybrid.

"You bet I am!" she grinned in excitement and her tail began twitching back-and-forth with eager anticipation. Her two friends laughed quietly and with one last glacé to each other, the three friends made their way outside into the sunny and cloudless bright blue sky.

"Alright students, line up and I'll pick the groups of dragonets that will be tree gliding together," their teacher, a kind and sassy RainWing named Rose spoke up in a gentle but firm tone of voice.

Hmmm... I wonder if I'll be with Silverwings and Cleverclaws? If I were to be put in a group with them it would be the best day ever! Lightseaker thought to herself with a hopeful smile on her face. The NightWing-RainWing hybrid smiled wildly when she caught sight of another one of her friends,. She was a RainWing-NightWing hybrid with dark purple scales, indigo wings, and light purple eyes.

"Hay Treejumper! Over here!" Lightseaker called out happily to the small black-and-dark-purple dragonet. She turned and her face broke out into a wide grin when she saw Lightseaker. The small hybrid laughed and motioned fir Treejumper to come join her with a flick of her tail.

The four friends made smalltalk with each other while Rose assigned the groups of dragonets. Lightseaker, Treejumper, Silverwings, and Cleverclaws have all been friends since they were newly hatched dragonets.


The light was fading by the time Lightseaker could see anything other than waving grass. The lowering sun in the west tinted the sky a dusky orange, and the trees of the small clearing ahead of them were casting long shadows.

"Three moons! That is so amazing!" Lightseaker cheered while doing happy loops in the air. Her three friends smiled brightly at her and after a few moments of silence, they all raced threw the trees. They tucked their wigs to their sides and spent toward the ground at an unnatural speed.

The four dragonets ended up crash-landing into the grass, landing on top of each other in the process. They came to a sudden halt, hitting the ground with a very loud crash. Lightseaker blinked and shook out her wings, still a bit dazed from the rough landing they had just had. But the shock soon turned into surprise and pretty soon, Lightseaker broke out into a fit of giggles as did her friends once they had recovered from the shock of it all.

Eventually they stood back up to their talons and they shook out their wings, still laughing and giggling from time-to-time as they did so. Once they had all finally calmed down enough to start breathing properly again, the four of them slowly began to make there way in the detection of Lightseaker's home.

The sight that met their eyes that day would be one that Lightseaker would never forget. Blood was splattered in puddles on the floor right in the doorway that led into the hut.

Lightseaker stepped inside with shaking talons and a feeling of dread pooling in her stomach as she slowly entered the livingroom. With a shaky breath, Lightseaker slowly and consciously stopped into her home. And what she saw made her stop dead in her tracks.

Her mother, Truthfinder, was laying on the floor with multiple stab wounds and one of her wings was slashed, her throat had been slit and blood was pooling out of her belly like a raging river. Lightseaker couldn't move, she felt like she was going to throw up. Her friends were standing behind her, their eyes as wide as dinner plates. They just stood there, frozen in place, eyes wide and their faces were as white as a bed sheet as they gazed upon the crime seen that was right in front of them.

"I-I... I-I think I'm going to be sick!" Lightseaker muttered, turning away and racing outside, stumbling over to a nearby bush and growing up the contents of my stomach. She was shaking and she felt really hot, Lightseaker took a shuttering breath and slowly made her way back into the house.

"Are you ok Light?" Cleverclaws asked while looking at her friend with a worried expression on her face. Lightseaker shuffled her claws and slowly nodded while taking a seat on the couch that had recently been built by a NightWing blacksmith named Dawnlight. The NightWing-RainWing hybrid sighed softly and curled up into a tight ball, her eyes unfocused as she stared straight ahead of her at the wooden walls of the living room with a blank look on her face.

"Who could've done this?" Silverwings quiatly asked, her voice wracked with greed as she stared at the many wounds that littered Lightseaker's mother's scales.

Lightseaker sighed softly and shrugged her wings, lowering her gaze and staring down at her talons.

"I don't know Silver, but whoever did this is gonna pay! I'm gonna go outside and think of a plan. While I'm gone, can you guys right down a list of suspects?" she asked them. Silverwings and the others nodded their heads and with that, Lightseaker slowly patted outside and out into the crisp and chilly midnight air. She would need some time to think of a plan, but in the back of her mind, Lightseaker knew that she couldn't dwell on her growing anger for very long. After all, she needed to keep calm and stay focused on the situation at hand.

Lightseaker laid on the roof for a long time, gazing up at the stars. Her mind kept flashing back to the events of that afternoon, it felt likes hours as she sat outside staring up at the setting sun.

Lightseaker lowered head head as tears began welling up in her eyes. In reality, it wasn't just one dragon that died that day, but two dragons, one of them being Lightseaker's father, the other was Dandelion, a RainWing who'd developed a severe disease that messed badly with her brain.

Her dad's name was Snake, he was a RainWing with the most beautiful light blue-and-purple scales. Snake met her mother Truthfinder after she had fled from the volcano that the rest of her tribe had lived on for most of their lives.

She had fallen in love with him and about a year or so later, they found out that Truthfinder was gonna be a mother. Yup, you guessed it, that egg was in deed Lightseaker's egg. Her mother had always wanted more dragonets but sadly that would never be the case. A few days after Lightseaker hatched, her father was killed in the middle of the night by a mentally-broken RainWing who had had no idea what she had done until it was already too late.

Lightseaker pushes her wings off the ground as hard as she could to get them moving, when she was finally air-born, Lightseaker took off, soaring through the open sky. The sun had set, emitting a dim golden glow across the flooded plains. The crescent moon glinted on the other side of the horizon. First things first, Lightseaker needed to inform Queen Glory about what had happened. Lightseaker took a deep breath, shook out her wings, and continued flying in the direction of Queen Glory's treehouse.


Hi everyone! How has your day been so far? Mine's been good, anyways... here's a new story idea that I've been working on. I hope you all will enjoy reading this strange little story of mine. If you enjoy the story, please be sure to leave a review. And if you have any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to let me know.

By for now!

Have an amazing day/night.


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