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Noelle PoV

All the boys stayed over last night but April and Amiri went home, I haven't had a chance to get to sleep without crying or overthinking everything. I just laid there holding a pillow that smelt like Jadon

There was soon a knock at my bedroom door and I looked that way and saw the door slowly open and Reiss poking his head around the door
"Hi" he says

"Hi" I say

Reiss came and sat next to me on my bed and I rested my head on his shoulder
"I'm hurting so bad Reiss" I cried

"Don't worry about crying let it all out sis" he says to me

"Did he even love me Reiss?" I asked him

"Love you?" Reiss chuckled
"That boy adores the shit out of you
He always talks about you and loves the fact he can show you off" reiss says

"So why did he do that?" I asked him

"No idea you will have to talk with him"
Reiss says

"I don't want to lose him Reiss
I don't want to be a mom on my own" I cried in worry

After Reiss comforting me for a little while I got out of bed and I went downstairs to do a few things around the house to keep myself busy, I even made the boys some breakfast but I couldn't eat I felt sick

And short after April came back over
"How are you?" She asked while hugging me

"Hurting" I say

"Oh babe" she says

"He's coming home, he should be landing at 1:30, he should be home by 2" I say to her

"Are you nervous about seeing him?" She asked

"April I don't want to leave him
I don't want to be a single mom
I want to do this with him
My heart hurts thinking about my life without him" I say crying a little more

"That's won't have to happen
If you talk things out and you can trust him and feel like he won't do it again then you won't have to leave him or being a single mom" April says

"I have always said if you love someone so much and they cheat on you, you should Take them back once" I say to her

"And if that's the way you feel do so" she says

"Then I feel like a dickhead" I say

"Why?" She asked

"Cause everyone knows April, it's all over social media" I say getting even more upset

"Babe come here" she says pulling me into a hug

"Listen I know you are really upset but try keep calm babe cause of the baby.
He can feel all you emotions, I know it's hard but try keep it together for a little" she says and I smiled

"You wanna do anything?" She asked

"I wanna curl up in a ball" I say

"No! How about we go and get our nails done?" April suggested

"I'm really not in the mood" I say

"Well I will make you in the mood come
On" she says dragging my arm

Me and April have left my house and she driving to the nail Salon
"True I know you not in the mood for this and I'm sorry for dragging you out but I want to get this off your mind girl, for baby boy sake. I don't want what happened last to you, you don't deserve that" she says

At the end of the day,it will always be me &you -Jadon sancho🫶🏽Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora