S2 CHAPTER 39: Flask

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Season 2 Chapter 39: One Night Hotel, The Extermination Game has already begun!?


Bandit: T-the hotel?

Rad: Dreamcaster Bluey just told me it would take one day to get there...

Chilli: ONE DAY!?

Rad: Yeah, sadly

Bandit: I hope Bingo is okay....

Chilli: And Brandy....


Chilli: She is still recovering from Opal's attacks!

Bandit: y-yeah but isn't Rusty's Mum there as well

Chilli: Oh...

Worker #1: Your in Room 12, enjoy! *he smiles*
Bandit: Thanks

*Bandit and Chilli walks up to their room*

*Rad stands right next to their door*

Bandit: Hey will you be okay? Don't you need some sleep?

Rad: Nope, ill be the one fighting the Superintendents

Rad: Tomorrow is when you and Chilli save Bingo and the others

Rad: And once we have the Obelisk.... we have full access to the Dream World...

Chilli: How do you know all of this?....

*Rad stood there in silence*
Rad: When I was working with Darrell....he mentioned about the Countdown and the Obelisk

Rad: But he accidently gave his weakness away...

Bandit: Huh?

Rad: I knew that the Obelisk can disrupt his world and abilities...

Rad: Once this is over.... we only have one shot of this

???: Who said your getting our powerful device?...

*Rad turns around and sees Flask*

Flask: It is I! Flask! The 2nd strongest Superintendent!!

Chilli: Oh why now!?

Rad: Bandit! Chilli! Close the door!

Bandit: Radley! He is the 2nd strongest!!

Rad: That doesn't matter!! Besides...

Rad: He is the one who layed his hands on Frisky...

*Rad's eyes turns red*

Rad: So Flask.... who said you can touch her?...

Flask: I did mate....*he snickers*

Rad: How dare you touch my wife....

Flask: Ohhh that's your wife ay?

Flask: This is perfect...

Flask: I get to finish you Heelers right here and bring you to Opal myself

*Rad activates his wings and he flies towards him*

Flask: Freeze.. "he said quietly"

*The colors and the atmosphere turns blue*

Chilli: Huh?

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