S1 CHAPTER 14: Alfie & Mackenzie

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Chapter 14: Alfie Arrives! Babysitting Dreamcaster Muffin?

*Meanwhile in Brisbane*

*Stripe and Trixie are sleeping together*
Trixie: Mnh
*Trixie starts to move a lot in bed*

Trixie: Huh?
*Trixie looks around*
Trixie: So this is a dream?
Dreamcaster Bluey: Yes it is....
Trixie: B-bluey!?
*Trixie looks at her features such as her eyes and her pupils shaped like a star, a half floating crown and a bat shaped cape*
Trixie: Is that really you?
Dreamcaster Bluey: Hmmm I don't know how to answer that and please, call me Dreamcaster Bluey~
Trixie: I hope this a game...
Dreamcaster Bluey: Maybe it can be and by the way~
Dreamcaster Bluey: Your in our private grounds
Trixie: Our?... who is with you?
Dreamcaster Bluey: Darrell, but he is boring~
*Trixie is shocked*
Dreamcaster Bluey: I would worry about what's going to happen when you wake up
Dreamcaster Bluey: Muffin will wake up as a dreamcaster
Trixie: What do you mean!
Dreamcaster Bluey: Just like how "Bluey" was transformed into me~
Dreamcaster Bluey: Same goes for her
Trixie: What!
Dreamcaster Bluey: It's only for a short time and she won't have it again after this
Trixie: Why are you doing this Bluey
Dreamcaster Bluey: Ugh! I told you this already my name is Bluey-
*Dreamcaster Bluey is shocked*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Erm- what did I just say?
Dreamcaster Bluey: Nevermind that! My name is Dreamcaster Bluey got it! You got 24 hours to have some fun~
Dreamcaster Bluey: Bye bye~
Trixie: Bluey! Wait!!!

*Trixie wakes up*
Stripe: Ummm Trixie, can you come to Muffin's room for a second?
*Stripe and Trixie walks to her room*
*Trixie eyes open wide*
Trixie: Oh my-
Stripe: Yup, similar to Bandit's kid
*Muffin looks at herself*
Muffin: Mum, Dad?
Stripe: Woah Muffin, I don't know anything about this
Muffin: I fweel da energy!
Stripe: Oh boy....

Trixie: This episode of Bluey is "The Alfie Arc! A Day with Dreamcaster Muffin"

Stripe: So Muffin is a Dreamcaster just like Bluey?
Trixie: Yeah
Stripe: Hmmm
Stripe: What else did she say?
Trixie: Well she did warn me not anger Muffin
Stripe: Oh
Trixie: Well let's try to get through this
Muffin: I want bweakfaaaast!!
*Everyone sitting at the table eating*
Stripe: Should we ask Mackenzie for help-
*Muffin smacks Trixie's stomach*
Trixie: GMPH!!-
Stripe: Trixie are your alright!?
Muffin: No Mackenzie....
Stripe: I guess she is aware of him
Stripe: Muffin Cupcake Heeler!, That's not nice!
*Muffin doesn't respond*
Trixie: Well this is going to be hard
Stripe: And Muffin, you don't hit your Mum like that
Muffin: Hmph! Fine...
Trixie: Stripe, lets get a babysitter...
*2 hours later*
*Alfie opens the door*
Alfie: Hello there!
Trixie: Hi umm, we have a little issue so you don't mind taking care of Muffin and Socks for a while
Alfie: Sure thing! Now where is Muffin?
Stripe: Muffin! Can you come here for a sec?
Muffin: I'm coming!!!
*Alfie looks at her and is suprised*
Alfie: Uhhhh? What's that on her arm?
Trixie: She is a little bit of a goofball and that's a marker
*Trixie starts sweating*
Alfie: All alright
Stripe: We will upstairs mate, if you need us let us know okay
Alfie: I won't let you down!
*A few minutes later*

Alfie: Okay Muffin, Socks, what do you want to do?
*Socks is confused*
Muffin: Let's play Dweamers!
Alfie: Huh? What's that?
*Socks looks worried*
Muffin: It's a game of dweaming, we go to sleep and I get to show you something!
Alfie: I don't know mate, that seems off
Muffin: What do you mean!?
Alfie: I'm not really sure if you can really control your dreams
Muffin: Of course I can!
Alfie: Hmmm
Alfie: Well it's the afternoon so don't you want to wait until tonight?
Muffin: No! *Using her powerful voice to shake the livingroom*
Alfie: Woah! Muffin please calm down!
Muffin: But I want to do it now!
Alfie: Muffin, not with that attitude!
Alfie: One more and that's a time out!
Muffin: Hmph!
Alfie: Now be a good Muffin
*Alfie walks to make some lunch*
Alfie: I'll be right back, I'll make something for the both of us
*As Alfie walks away to the kitchen, Muffin starts to get upset and the floor starts to crack*
Alfie: Muffin, Socks? What was that?
*Alfie walks back*
*the window breaks*
*In her parents room*
Stripe: Ya hear that Trixie?
Trixie: Yeeeeah? That sounds like glass!
*Trixie jumps out of the bed and runs downstairs*
Trixie: Alfie! What is going o-
Trixie: O-oh my goodness...
*Alfie looks at Trixie*
Alfie: What is happening!!!
Trixie: Oh I must have forgot to tell you not to anger Muffin
Alfie: What!!!
*Muffin is floating with a enormous amount of aura around her and Socks is behind her scared*
*Trixie gets the phone but the phone explodes in her hand*
Trixie: AHH! *groans in pain*
Stripe: Trixie!!!
*Stripe runs downstairs*
*Alfie looks at Muffin*
*???: static noises...*
Alfie: W-what was that!
*Alfie's stomach turns into a portal and Mackenzie's hand sticks through it*
*He jumps out of Alfie*
Mackenzie: Oof!
*Mackenzie looks at Alfie*
Mackenzie: ummmm hello?
Alfie: What t-the...
Mackenzie: Sorry, I was practicing...
Alfie: Okay, we will talk about...that later
*Mackenzie looks at Muffin*
Mackenzie: Muffin? No!
Mackenzie: She is a Dreamcaster!
Alfie: Dream-caster?
Mackenzie: It's a long story
*Alfie looks at his hand while Mackenize is monologuing*
Mackenzie: I'll handle this
*Mackenzie's mark activates*
*Alfie puts his arm in front of Mackenzie*
Mackenzie: Huh?
Alfie: Don't worry... I got this
*Alfie's mark activates*
*Mackenzie is shocked*
Mackenzie: You too!?
Alfie: Well I just noticed it mate, but it does feel weird
Alfie: By the way, what is your name?
Mackenzie: Mackenzie
Alfie: Alfie
*Muffin is screaming and having a temper tantrum*
Alfie: Ugh... Mackenzie, we have to fix this!
Alfie: Clearly we aren't the only ones who have these things on our arms
*An idea popped in Alfie's head*
Alfie: I got it!
Alfie: We are going to fight her-
Mackenzie: WHAT!
Alfie: Babysitting Style
Mackenzie: Oh?
*Alfie steps foward*
Alfie: Muffin!
Alfie: Let's play a game! It's called "Catch the Cans"!!
Muffin: Huh?
Alfie: Mackenzie can u shoot?
*Mackenzie looks at his finger and puts in a flicking position*
Mackenzie: well with my finger...Yeah!
Alfie: Alright! The game will start in 5!
Alfie: 4, 3
Alfie: 2
Alfie: 1!!
*Alfie throws one can in the air*
*Mackenzie steadies himself*
Mackenzie: It's time for the new "Mackenzie Air Shot"!
*Mackenzie shoots at the can and it falls far away from Muffin*
Muffin: I'll get it!
*Muffin grabs one*
*Alfie throws another and Mackenize shoots it*
*Muffin jumps to grab it on her left*
Alfie: She's calming down!
Mackenzie: One more!
*Mackenzie feels something*
Alfie: What's wrong Mackenzie?
Mackenzie: I think your ability is fire
Alfie: Fire!?
Mackenzie: But it changes color to help, fight and protect others
Mackenzie: i think the yellow one is the one that change her back to normal
Alfie: Alright!
Mackenzie & Alfie: LAST ONE!
*Alfie turns the can yellow with yellowish flames*
*Alfie throws the can in the air*
Mackenzie: Okay!
*Mackenzie shoots the can*
*Muffin grabs the last yellow can*
Alfie: I call that "The Healing Can"
*Muffin feels dizzy and she looses her dreamcaster abilities*

Alfie: We did it!
*Alfie and Mackenzie turns around slowly*
Alfie: We were playing a game
Stripe: A game with my soda bottles!
Mackenzie: I guess we forgot they weren't opened....hehe...he....he *sighs*

*After that, Alfie has to clean up the floor as a punishment and he is now a Dream User*

Bluey: Save The Dreams [FANFICTION]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें