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My name is Zala. I was born in the land of the Veneti, long before the Romans came and conquered us. I was a priestess of the goddess Reitia, who gave me the gift of immortality. Or maybe it was a curse. I don't know anymore.

I have seen empires rise and fall, wars and plagues, revolutions and inventions. I have lived in many places, but I always come back to Ljubljana, the city of my heart. It is here that I met my first love, a young soldier named Valentin, who died defending the city from the Turks. It is here that I witnessed the horrors of the Nazi occupation, and the courage of the partisans who fought for freedom. It is here that I joined the protests for independence, and celebrated the birth of a new nation.

I have learned many things in my long life, but I have also forgotten many. Sometimes I wonder if I have a soul, or if I will ever find peace. Sometimes I wish I could end my life, but I can't. I have tried many times, but I always heal and survive. I don't know what keeps me alive, or what is my purpose.

I don't have many friends, because I don't want to get attached to anyone who will eventually leave me. I don't have a family, because I can't bear children. I don't have a home, because I don't belong anywhere. I don't have a future, because I don't age.

I only have my memories, and my stories. And I have you, my dear listener, who has shown interest in my life. Thank you for that. I hope you enjoy my tales, and learn something from them. Maybe you will find some meaning in them, or maybe you will just be entertained. Either way, I am glad to share them with you.

This is my story. This is the story of an immortal living in present day Ljubljana.

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