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My name is Davor, and I am the oldest living being on Earth. I was born more than 50,000 years ago, in the land that is now called Slovenia. I belong to the Neanderthal people, a human species that once coexisted with another human species, the Homo sapiens. We were different from them in many ways, but we also shared some common traits, such as the ability to make tools, to communicate, and to feel emotions.

One of the things that made me unique among my people was my love for music. I discovered music by accident, when I found a bone that had been hollowed out and pierced by four holes. It was a cave bear femur, and it had been left behind by a hyena that had gnawed on it. I was curious about the bone, and I blew into one of the holes. It produced a sound, a musical note, that filled me with wonder. I tried the other holes, and they also made sounds, each one with a different pitch. I realized that I had found a flute, a musical instrument. I decided to keep it as my own, and I learned how to play it.

The flute became my best friend, and my most prized possession. I played it every day, and I enjoyed the melodies and rhythms that I created with it. The flute also had a positive effect on me and my clan. It made us feel calm and happy, and it brought us closer together. It also attracted the animals, who would come near our cave and listen to the music. They did not harm us, but rather seemed to be curious and friendly.

One day, however, our peaceful life was shattered by the arrival of a group of Homo sapiens. They had heard the flute from a distance, and they wanted to take it from me. They were armed with spears and bows, and they looked at us with hatred and contempt. They threatened to kill us all if I did not give them the flute. I refused, and I clutched the flute in my hands. I felt a strong attachment to the flute, as if it was a part of me. I also felt a sense of loyalty to the flute, as if it was my friend and ally.

The Homo sapiens attacked us, and a bloody battle ensued. We fought bravely, but we were outnumbered and outmatched. They killed many of my clan, and wounded me badly. I fell to the ground, bleeding from several wounds. I saw the leader of the Homo sapiens approach me, and he snatched the flute from my hands. He held it up, and he smashed it against a rock. The flute broke into pieces, and a loud and horrible sound echoed through the cave. It was the sound of the flute's death, and it pierced my ears and my heart.

I felt a surge of pain and anger, and I screamed. I felt something change inside me, something that I could not explain. I felt a power, a force, that flowed through my veins and healed my wounds. I felt a fire, a rage, that burned in my eyes and gave me strength. I felt a bond, a link, that connected me to the flute and its spirit. I felt alive, more alive than ever before.

I got up from the ground, and I faced the leader of the Homo sapiens. He looked at me with fear and disbelief, and he tried to run away. I caught him, and I ripped him apart with my bare hands. I then turned to the rest of his group, and I slaughtered them all, one by one. I did not spare any of them, not even the women and children. I did not feel pity or remorse, only vengeance and justice. I had avenged the flute, and I had defended my clan.

I then looked around, and I saw the corpses of my clan. They were all dead, except for me. I was the only survivor, the only witness, the only one who knew what had happened. I felt a sadness, a loneliness, that overwhelmed me. I had lost everything, everyone, that I cared about. I had nothing left, except for the flute. I collected the pieces of the flute, and I buried them in a secret place, where no one would ever find them. I then left the cave, and I wandered into the world.

That was the day I became immortal. The day the flute died, and I was reborn. The day I gained a power, a curse, that would keep me alive forever. The day I lost a home, a family, that I would never see again.

I have lived for more than 50,000 years, and I have seen many things. I have seen the rise and fall of civilizations, the birth and death of cultures, the creation and destruction of art. I have seen the beauty and the horror of humanity, the kindness and the cruelty of people, the love and the hate of emotions. I have seen the changes and the constants of the world, the cycles and the patterns of nature, the wonders and the mysteries of life.

I have lived in many places, and I have met many people. I have learned many languages, and I have adopted many names. I have joined many groups, and I have left many traces. I have made many friends, and I have lost many enemies. I have loved many times, and I have grieved many times.

I have lived for more than 50,000 years, but I still remember the day I became immortal. It was the day I found the flute, the day I played the flute, the day I lost the flute. It was the day that changed my life, and the day that defined my destiny.

I am now living in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. It is a beautiful and modern city, with a rich and diverse history. It is also the place where the flute was found, the place where the flute was made, the place where the flute was born. It is the place where I belong, and the place where I will end.

I have decided to end my life, to end my immortality. I have lived enough, I have seen enough, I have done enough. I have no more purpose, no more meaning, no more reason. I have no more joy, no more sorrow, no more feeling. I have no more flute, no more music, no more soul.

I have found the secret place where I buried the pieces of the flute, and I have dug them up. I have restored the flute, and I have played it for the last time. I have felt the connection, the bond, the link, that I once felt with the flute. I have felt the power, the force, the surge, that once changed me. I have felt the fire, the rage, the scream, that once killed them. I have felt the pain, the anger, the sound, that once killed the flute.

I have played the flute, and I have broken the flute. I have broken the flute, and I have broken the curse. I have broken the curse, and I have broken the bond. I have broken the bond, and I have broken myself.

I have died, and I have lived. I have lived, and I have died.

This is my story, the story of Davor. The story of the flute, the story of the Neanderthal. The story of Divje Babe, the story of Ljubljana. The story of the past, the story of the present. The story of the end, the story of the beginning.

The story of me.

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