Wet Slash :D

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I woke up from a loud voice and realized it was Slash's. I looked at the clock which was hanging on the wall and saw that it was 2 pm.
"Oh my god, Kylie what happened to your fucking boyfriend" I spoke when saw that Kylie was awake.
"Have no idea, and don't you know him ? He can start yelling for nothing anytime his heart wants" she replied.
"Right. Let's go find out" I said rolling from my bed. I started getting dressed and left the Room.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I yelled as soon as I entered the back yard.
"Oh look who's up" Duff said smirking on Slash and they started walking to my direction and I saw that Slash was wet. I quickly realized what happened to him and what they were trying to do.
"Awwww Slashy, did Duff made you so wet?" I said playfully then quickly ran back in and closed the glass door. I ran upstairs and straight to my room.
"What the fuck happened?" Kylie asked looking at me confused.
"They are going to kill me!" I said locking my door, soon enough they got to the door and started knocking.
"GO AWAY!" I shouted and started walking backwards .
"Baby it's me open the door" I heard Axl. I carefully walked to the door and slowly opened it.
Axl got in and set on my bed. After him both Slash and Duff entered my room.
"Touch her and I will kill you" Axl said raising his eyebrows.Duff and Slash started laughing then threw themselves on my bed where Kylie was still laying and Axl was sitting.
Slash kissed Kylie and She pushed him away.
"I'm trying to sleep dumbass" she said and rolled over.
"Oh look at her,she is trying to sleep" Slash said then pushed Kylie off the bed.Kylie fell on the floor and shouted "Fuck you asshole"
"Anytime you want, baby" Slash said smiling.

"You are son of a bitch,Slash,you know?" Axl said looking at Slash.
"Kyl are okay?" I asked walking to her direction. She just got up took her clothes and went to bathroom.
Suddenly the door of my room opened and Izzy came in.
"Mom is making breakfast" he said looking at us.
"FOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" Kylie came out of the bathroom yelling.
"You are such a COW KYLIE!!" Slash said laughing.
"Oh my god did you say food?" He then added realizing what Izzy just said. They quickly went downstairs leaving us in my room.
We soon followed them and set by the table.
During the breakfast we were talking about going to pub today so the guys could perform for grandma.
"I can't wait to see you guys on the stage" grandma said with a huge smile on her face.
"We neither" they all said at the same time.
I felt somebody's eyes on me all the time. I knew who it was and I was trying very hard to ignore it but it wasn't that easy. I looked at Kylie trying to make her understand that I needed her help. She of course got what I wanted to tell and got up.
"Mmmmm..Hanna I need your help, could you please come and show me...how tooo...how to turn on the...the TV." Her speech was so awkward and her question was so funny that we all looked at her with confusion.
"Sure" I said and got up. We left the kitchen and ran right to living room.
"Really Kylie? The TV?" I asked and bursted out laughing.
"Han you made me look so stupid" she laughed "anyways what had happened? You were completely red sitting there" she asked
"Nate was looking at me all the time and his stare made me feel uncomfortable ....annnnnd yesterday when I was dancing with him he said that I got even prettier and he had missed me"
"Hmmmm.. I think he wants you back. Han did you tell him about Axl?"
"Naw" I answered.
"Well you should. It's getting awkward to......" Kylie stopped talking when everyone entered the living room where me and Kylie were sitting.
"Girls, get going" my dad said grabbing his car keys
"Where?" Kylie asked confused.
"To The Pub" Izzy answered.
I got up from the coach went upstairs to put on my sneakers.
When I got back downstairs everyone were already waiting for me.
"Let's go" I said walking to the door.

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