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The sound of crying could be heard over the exhausting woman who was desperately trying to stay strong. It was finally done. The baby is alive and well.

Her husband Dracule Mihawk stayed with her and showered her with words with 'you can do it' 'i know you can'.

When Toyo finally managed to open her eyes she saw the most beautiful baby alive. A little black hair could be seen. After a couple of minutes The baby is peacefully sleeping. The nurse gave the baby to Toki and she held on to her as if she's she most sacred thing.

''She's so beautiful'' Her husband told her with admiration in his voice. She could only chuckle. Who would've thought that the Dracule Mihawk would consider having a family? Before she met him she thought that he would do anything for his job. He basically lives for his job.

She just wished her nee-san were here to see her beautiful baby. She died 2 years ago trying to protect her kids. In the land of wano. There was nothing Toyo could do back then all she could think of was 'If i was there.. i could've protect nee-san'

now she will give her life to protect her family.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock coming from the door. ''auntie-san! Can we come in?"

''Shhs Hiyori what if you wake the baby up?''

She heard two familiar voices, mihawk looked at her for permission and she nodded. Sure Why not? they're nice and she missed Hiyori who wouldn't love a cheerful girl like her?

They came in, Hiyori frantically looking for a baby and her eyes landed on the baby at her aunts arms. ''Omg she is so cute!'' she gushes at her new niece.

Kawamatsu her long time friend said ''The nurses said that we may come in but we had to be just in case you don't have any mood swings right?''

Mihawk warily looked at his wife ''For now.. we don't know what will happen in a couple of hours''

Kawamatsu and Mihawk engaged in a conversation while the aunt and niece duo admired the baby. Hiyori is now 8 years old a lot happened when her mother and father died. No normal 6 year old should go through that. Hiyori also saw her brother vanish out of thin air. About 20 years--now 18 years, Momonosuke will come with the samurai's. Atleast that's what Toki's prophecy said. And she had no doubt that it will come true nee-san's devil fruit is a special one, that's for sure.

''Auntie look! She opened her eyes!!'' Hiyori exclaimed excitedly. Toyo's gaze immediately shot to her baby's eyes. She's in awe, beautiful green eyes right there. Her own eyes.

The two men also stopped with chatting when they heard Hiyori's exclaim

Toyo gasped ''She..She's got my eyes''

Mihawk looked at the baby with fondness ''She's got my hair and your eyes. The perfect mix of us both'' he smiled

Kawamatsu then also complimented the baby ''Such rare beauty i bet boys will fawn over her in the future'' he joked

Mihawk then turned around with a glare ''I'll have to beat them up if they dare to touch her!''

Toyo laughed ''Relax she's just born..but the big question is what should we name her?''

Hiyori immediately raised her hand ''Oh i know! Mini Hiyori or- or mini Toyo''

All of them laughed. That isn't a real name. However the more toyo thought about a name. One name stood her out. Yes, she heard about that name from a book. And the meaning is beautiful just like the baby herself.

'A Cursed Name'  ●Luffy D Monkey●Where stories live. Discover now