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Jungkook arrived at his luxurious apartment, a place adorned with a captivating dark aura. As he parked his car in front of the house, he noticed Jimin sitting there, resembling a timid baby afraid of something.

A gentle smile formed on Jungkook's face as he approached, delicately holding Jimin in his hands.

Jimin nestled his head against Jungkook's chest, seeking warmth and comfort. Closing the door behind them, they entered the exquisite apartment.

Jungkook carefully placed Jimin on his bed and Suddenly, Jimin felt something soft beneath him and jumped in fear, causing his coat to slip off onto the ground.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he noticed Jimin's naked figure in front of him. However, he remained composed and spoke in a soothing tone,

"Don't be afraid, Jiminie... It's just a bed,"

Jungkook reassured him in a calm tone, avoiding looking down at his hybrid. He opened the cupboard and took out a pink long shirt and shorts.

Slowly, he approached Jimin, gently grabbing his waist and turning him to face him.

"Jimin, you may not understand what's going on, but trust me," Jungkook said, his eyes filled with sincerity.

Jimin, still bewildered by his surroundings, looked into Jungkook's eyes with innocence and confusion.

With a hint of hesitation, Jungkook slowly dressed Jimin in the shirt, his gaze fixated on the enchanting creature before him. After buttoning the shirt and he adjusting it on Jimin's collar,

"Perfect... now, Jungkook whispered. you can put on your shorts, Jimin."

His voice carried a mischievous undertone, but Jimin merely crawled onto the bed and sat down, playfully bouncing up and down. Jungkook held his nose bridge , trying to supress his tiredness.

Slowly, Jungkook took the shorts and delicately lifted Jimin's slender legs, gently sliding the shorts up.

As his touch unexpectedly brushed against Jimin's dick, a soft moan escaped from his lips, a sound born from the pleasure of the unknown sensation.

Jungkook gracefully made his way towards the opulent bathroom, ready to indulge in a refreshing shower. Meanwhile, Jimin remained seated on the lavish bed, his mind filled with a myriad of perplexing thoughts.

As the hours passed, the door to Jungkook's room swung open, capturing Jimin's attention in an instant.

His eyes widened with trepidation as they fixated on the figure that entered - a man adorned in a sleek black shirt and glossy pants, his eyes concealed behind a pair of sophisticated spectacles.

To his astonishment, the man's composure was shattered upon laying eyes on Jimin, who was nestled in the bed with a peculiar long tail and ears.

"Uhm...Who--are you? Jungkook, my dearr, are you a g-host? Where... on earth are you?"

Taehyung voice quivered with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

In a state of panic, Taehyung swiftly traversed the room, resembling a frightened child fleeing from an ominous presence.

Jimin couldn't help but burst into laughter, his adorable pout accentuating his amusement. He gracefully descended from the bed, playfully following Taehyung's lead.

The two of them engaged in a playful game of chase, with Jimin crawling on the floor and playfully pursuing Taehyung, causing him to let out a boisterous cry.

"Jungkook, ahhh......I am going to perish! Where are you? Why are you persistently trailing me like a mischievous cat? Begone!"

Taehyung pleaded repeatedly, his voice filled with both fear and exasperation.

Jungkook emerged from the bathroom, clad in a vibrant blue bathrobe. Sneaking up behind Jimin, he playfully grabbed his armpits and exclaimed,

"Don't run, kitten! Taehyung is your mommy and your daddy's boyfriend!" His mischievous tone was accompanied by a smirk.

Jimin, caught off guard, immediately wrapped his arms around Jungkook, settling himself on one side of Jungkook's torso. Taehyung, utterly perplexed, couldn't make sense of what he was witnessing, his mouth agape.

"Mommy? Me?" Taehyung squinted his eyes and questioned.

"Yes, darling," Jungkook replied, moving towards Taehyung and placing a hand on his shoulder.

He drew Taehyung closer, their bodies touching.

How insane are you, Jungkook? Who is this? And why are his ears and tails on?"

Taehyung gazes deeply into Jimin, who has nestled his head against Jungkook's shoulders, resembling a tender babe.

Jungkook's hands lovingly encircle Jimin's waist, drawing them closer in an embrace of utmost intimacy, as well as his tail swaying and his ears twitching

"Do not be upset, my dear, for it was merely a jest."

Jungkook gracefully approached the bed, tenderly placing Jimin down from his embrace, and then turned his attention towards Taehyung.

"Actually, my love, I discovered that he hails from the streets," Jungkook explained.

"I accidentally struck him, and upon inspecting his foot, I noticed it had turned red. I couldn't bear to cast him aside, for he is a hybrid of a feline nature. He has caused no trouble, and his name is Jimin."

Jungkook proceeded to open his cupboard, retrieving his night attire, and returned to Taehyung's side.

Taehyung, bewildered, exclaimed,

"Goodness gracious! A hybrid? I had only heard of such beings in the morning news at the hospital, but I never believed it to be true... Jungkook..."

Taehyung's gaze fixated upon Jimin, who lay upon the bed with an ethereal beauty. His slender waist and delicate features captivated Taehyung's attention, causing him to gaze upon Jimin without even the slightest blink.

The tightness of Jimin's shorts accentuated his pelvic area, showcasing his impressive length, and Taehyung's eyes traced every curve of Jimin's body as if it were a masterpiece of art.

Jungkook observed as Taehyung gazed at Jimin with admiration, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

"I hope my beloved liked him," he murmured softly, his voice filled with affection. "Now, you may take a refreshing shower, my love. I shall prepare a delightful dinner for us."

Suddenly, Taehyung turned his attention towards Jungkook, his eyes filled with awe.

"He is truly a sight to behold," he exclaimed, marveling at Jimin's beauty. "How can a mere mortal possess such exquisite charm, Jungkook?"

"I share the same sentiment, my darling," Jungkook replied, his smile growing wider. "That is precisely why I cannot bear to part with him."

Jungkook's gaze lingered on Jimin's face, his smile causing Jimin to call out his name once again."Jungcock," Jimin uttered, causing Jungkook to react in surprise.

"Oh my goodness, it's not 'cock,' my dear kitten. It's 'kook.' Say it correctly, just once more," Jungkook playfully requested, yet Jimin remained silent.

Deciding to leave the situation behind, Jungkook gracefully made his way to the kitchen. This time, Taehyung slowly approached Jimin, sitting down beside him.

"Jimin," he gently implored, his voice filled with tenderness.

"Please say my name, Tae...hyung... Tae...hyung... say it, my sweet kitten," he added, his words accompanied by an adorable and affectionate giggle.




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