Mann Vs Train

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It has been really quiet since Christmas. I was still asleep when my phone began to ring. I wanted to sleep in more so I ignored it.

Joy: Wake your lazy ass up and answer your phone.

(y/n): Fine.

I grabbed my phone and answered the call with my best awake voice I could muster.

(y/n): Hello?

Bain: Get your quiet gear.

(y/n): Fine.

I got up and changed into my suit. I then grabbed my stuff and walked to the door.

(y/n): I'll be back.

Joy: Stay safe.

(y/n): I will.

I left the apartment and made my way to the safe house.


I made it to the safehouse and saw everyone crowded the main area.

(y/n): Where's the fire at?

Dallas: It's time.

(y/n): Time for what?

Sokol: The train heist.

(y/n): It is?!

Hoxton: There is one huge problem.

(y/n): What is it?

Dallas: Bain said that this job is very dangerous. A whole team can't be used to extract the turret.

(y/n): So...

Hoxton: How good are you at being quiet?

(y/n): I'm going alone?!

Chains laughed at me.

Chains: You scared?

(y/n): No. This is just a big job to give to one guy.

Dallas: Well here's your chance to prove you can make it on your own. Call it a baptism by fire.

(y/n): Cool cool cool. Question: what are you guys going to do while I'm gone?

Dallas: Robbing a few places for our new client.

(y/n): That new client being?

Dallas: She calls herself The Butcher. She's an arms dealer.

(y/n): Well who's going to lead my little team?

Dallas: We have a new guy. His name is Dragan. He worked for the Butcher and she sent Bain his contract as part of a separate deal. So he works for us now.

(y/n): What was this "separate deal"?

Everyone went silent and I was starting to get confused.

Dallas: We're stealing warheads.

(y/n): Warheads! Like nukes or the candy?

Hoxton: Don't act dumb.

(y/n): Isn't that illegal? Like treason and execution type illegal?

John: Very.

Dallas: Everything we do is illegal, kid.

(y/n): Yeah but not like... execution illegal.

Dallas: This is supposed to be a secret transfer of a secret prototype. The government would want to keep this under wraps as to not raise concern.

(y/n): Why does that matter?

Hoxton: It means that you'll be arrested but not executed. If they do, then it'll be very private.

(y/n): From how I see it, there's no room for error.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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