Masters of Disasters

Start from the beginning

"I think Owen's taste buds packed up and moved to France years ago." Heather scowled at him, and dismissed his mess. "I wish I had this disgusting slop around last time I was trying to stick to my diet." Lindsay spoke unenthusiastically, watching the gruel drip off of her spoon, and back into the bowl.

All of a sudden, Harold cleared his throat, and spoke loudly. "This haute cuisine is obviously too complex for our unsophisticated taste buds, right?" While everyone was shocked to hear that, they soon found out it was to make Chef not get angry at their insults. Owen, though, was chewing it incredibly fast. "I give it five stars!" "I hate suck-ups." He frowned, and walked off.

Dad walked in, and seemed to be entertained by something. "Not to worry, folks. You won't be hanging on to your lunch for much longer." Duncan folded his arms, and raised a brow. "And... what torture, exactly, have you concocted for us today?" "Oh, nothing. Just that your day will be total disaster! Get it? It's a disaster movie theme! You know, like in disaster flicks? People running for their lives from volcanoes, earthquakes, asteroids, tidal waves... the more disastrous, the better!"

/// Lindsay ///

"My hair is already a total disaster! It's been three weeks since I've had a trim! Split ends city! How much worse could it get?!"

/// End ///

We'd moved over to the first obstacle course, and it didn't look too bad to me. Just some classic boot camp stuff. "Your first challenge is... the Earthquake of Inevitable Pain! Each team has to run the course, challenging your dexterity, manoeuvrability, and other mad monkey skills. First team to the top wins! Best out of two earns today's first reward."

People were shocked to see Chef preparing to throw cement blocks at them. As if he doesn't already do that!

"Ooh! My boyfriend had a summer job cleaning up after earthquakes and landslides." I narrowed my eyes at Beth, but Izzy got to her before me. "Nope! Still not buying it. But, I did cave and buy the electronic salad spinner! Woowoowoo! Haha! Whoo!" "Enough with the chitty-chat! Take your marks..."

Both teams lined up to run their side of the course, and Leshawna was the only one working herself up for the challenge. "This'll be a cinch." Heather confidently said. "I can't wait to swing on the monkey bars!" Beth honestly said. I raised a brow, and turned to Dad. "...She's older than me?" "Yeah. I honestly thought I had the wrong person at first. Anyway... ACTION!"

Both teams set off, getting past the tires with, somewhat, ease. "How easy is this?!" Izzy questioned, although it wasn't that easy. Considering my dad was a madman, he didn't let them have it easy for long. It wasn't going to be an earthquake challenge without the earthquake. When the ground underneath them began rumbling, Izzy and Beth collapsed on top of each other. "If you break it, you buy it! Hahaha!"

Duncan and Heather both fell, but they weren't stuck like Beth and Izzy were, luckily. Harold made his way over to the monkey bars, and hung on quite well, but that was until Chef threw a rugby ball at him, which caused him to crash into Leshawna, and they both collapsed off of the bars. "OW, MY RIGHT KIDNEY!"

Chef was going crazy with everything he was allowed to throw at people. When Justin had reached the monkey bars, he was hit in the face with a rubber duck, and it was clear he was NOT happy about it. "AH! My precious cheekbones..." With a smug grin, Dad turned off the whole thing, giving them a break, much to Beth's relief. Unfortunately, that didn't last long, because of the fact that 'aftershock' existed.

Owen did not take it well, because he threw up everything he'd eaten this morning in the span of a few seconds. "My delicious lunch, lost forever..." Dad smirked again, and sarcastically spoke. "Oh, yeah. That reminds me... it's lava time!" He slammed his fist down on a button, and two hatches opened, which, I can only assume, was full to the brim with ketchup or something. Otherwise, we'd have lost a set. 

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