part 16

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👽did you guys miss me?


Tae: I swear on you Mom I will never forgive Jeon Jungkook

Saying this tae started to pack his things

(On the other side side)

Jk: haha finally I killed them *proud smirk*

Jimin: ev-even after k- killi-ng us you wi-will never get t- ta-e's love *Whisper*

Jk: and what made you think that? *Smirk*

Jimin: because t-tae w-was o-on call

Jk smirk fell when he heard what Jimin said

Jk: no no you are lying *scared*

Jimin: che- check my ph-phone

JK went towards the phone and checked it

Jk: shit

JK called his bodyguards and said

Jk: tight the mansion security and make sure Tae will not able to go otherwise you will not able to see the next sun rice *angry*

Jk: clean this mess (Suga, Jimin)

JK went towards the mansion at full speed

JK to bodyguards: Did Tae come here ??

Bodyguards: no sir

Then JK went towards his room and saw that his baby was about to jump from the window so that he(tae) could escape...but before he could jump JK pulled him

Jk: tae what were you going to do

Tae: leave me you killer *angry*

Jk: stop wiggle

Tae: leave me I don't want to stay with a lier

JK: I never lied to you *said while looking at Tae's eyes*

Tae: no no no you lied to killed my parents *started crying while thinking about his parents*

Jk: and I am not regretting about it *blank face*

Tae: don't regret but let me go *angry teary eyes*

JK: you are not going anywhere *angry*

Tae: and who will stop me

Jk: you want to go? Ok go but remember if I catch you then I will kill every person that you are close with *smirk*

Tae: why are you doing this with me *teary eyes*

Jk: you always forced me to do this shit

Tae(mind): I need to escape from here

Tae: you will change yourself for me right *cute eyes*

JK: yes baby I can do anything for you *smile*

Tae: ok i forgive you *smile*

Tae(mind): never I will never forgive you *angry*

Jk: hehe thanks babe *bunny smile*

Tae: ok come let's sleep *pout*

JK picked up his baby in bridal style and went towards the bed and put him there softly and then started to cuddle his baby

JK: Baby did you really forgive me *puppy eyes*

Tae: yeah because you said you will change yourself

JK: yes baby anything for you *smile*

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