Chapter 3: Attack at Cloud Cuckoo Land

Start from the beginning

Emmet: [as the robots have got hold of Emmet] AAH! YOU'RE PULLING MY TORSO OFF!

Wyldstyle: Babe, help me get him out of here! [she decapitates a robot]

Batman: I said every man for himself. [he grabs a robot and strangles him]

Wyldstyle: Hey, you gotta be there for me.

Batman: Aaaah.... [pauses for a while] Fine! Fine, fine, fine! [reluctantly he goes to her aide and fights off the robots attacking Emmet] Fine. Fine. Fine....

Wyldstyle: I need you to have a better attitude about it!

Batman: I have a great attitude!

Christine: Yeah-no you don't. [continues to shoot the robots as she takes off her hood in front of Emmet] Hi Emmet.

Emmet: [shocked] Christine!?

Christine: Surprise neighbor? [shoots off the robots]

Wyldstyle: Who are you?

Christine: I'm Christine.

Lorz: I'm Lorz, short for Lorenzo.

Emmet: They're my neighbors back at Bricksburg, I didn't know they're master builders!

Christine: It's a long story that I will tell you soon or later. [continues to cut off the robots]

~Batman gets the tracker off Emmet and throws it at one of the robots.~

Robot: Ow!

~Bad Cop picks up Emmet's tracker which is now attached to the robot.~

Bad Cop: The Special's in the northwest quadron. We've got him cornered. [he looks down but all he sees is the robot with the tracker attached to his head smacking into a wall]

Robot: Ow! Ow! Ow!

Bad Cop: Where did he go?


Unikitty: Oh, no! They've hit our silly cloud stabilizers!

Wyldstyle: Let's go! We need to get Emmet out of here!

Emmet: Can't we build something?

~Suddenly a space guy named Benny flies over to them.~

Benny: Hey, I'm Ben! But you can call me Benny! And I can build a spaceship: Watch this! [he starts building a spaceship and chanting along as he works] Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship...

Wyldstyle: No! You can't. The skies are surrounded.

Benny: That's okay, I didn't really wanna build a spaceship. Anyway, that's cool. [looking visibly disappointed as he kicks his half built spaceship and it falls apart]

Unikitty: Well, where can we go where we can't be found?

Lorz: Definitely underground.

Emmet: [he quietly mumbles] Maybe we could go underwater?

Batman: [knocks Emmet aside] What if we went underwater?

Wyldstyle: Great idea, Babe!

Unikitty: Thank you, Batman! You're ideas are the best!

Emmet: But I just said that...

Wyldstyle: We could build a submarine!

Batman: A Bat-submarine, patent pending.

Unikitty: With rainbows!

Vitruvius: And dream catchers, in case we take a nap.

Benny: Like an underwater spaceship!

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