Chapter 1: Emmet

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~Eight (8) and a half (1/2) years later, a man named Emmet Brickowski woke up in his apartment and turned off his alarm, he gets out of bed yaws and stretches and walked through to his living room~

Emmet Brickowski: Good morning, apartment! Good morning, doorway! Good morning, wall. Good morning, ceiling. Good morning, floor! Ready to start the day! [he grabs a book from a shelf] Ah, here it is! [reading from the manual] The instructions to fit in, have everybody like you, and always be happy! Step one: breathe. [Emmet inhales and exhales deeply] Okay, got that one down. Step two: greet the day, smile and say...

~we see all the Lego citizens opening their window and yelling~

Lego Citizens: Good morning, city!

~all the citizens all say good morning city~

Citizen: Good morning, city!

Citizen: Top of the morning to you, City!

~back to Emmet continuing with the instructions from the manual~

Emmet Brickowski: Step three: exercise. Jumping Jacks him 'em! [he start jumping on the spot] One! Two! Three! I am so pumped up! [looking at the manual again] Step four: shower. [Emmet gets in the shower and starts washing himself] And always be sure to keep the soap out of your--! [he screams as the soap gets into his eyes] [next we see Emmet standing in front of the bathroom mirror shaving] Shave your face, brush your teeth. Comb your hair. [he laughs to himself as he brushes his hair] Wear clothes. [we see Emmet walking out of his apartment naked until he realizes] Woop! Almost, forgot that one! [he turns back into his apartment, and we see him quickly trying on different outfits] No. No. Uh-uh. No. Not that. Wrong. [he finally wears his construction uniform] And that's it, check. Step nine: eat a complete breakfast with all the special people in your life. [we see him sitting in his living room eating his breakfast alone, he turns to his plant] Hey, planty! What do you want to do this morning? Watch TV? Me too! [he turns on the TV showing President Business giving a presentation]

President Business: Hi, I'm President Business, president of the Octan Corporation and the World. Let's all take extra care to follow the instructions... [whispers into microphone] ...or you WILL be put to sleep. [shouting] And DON'T forget Taco Tuesday's coming next week! That's the day every rule following citizen gets a free taco and my love! Have a great day, everybody!

Emmet Brickowski: You have a great day too, President Business. Man, he's such a cool guy. I always wanna hear more of...wait! Did he say put to sleep?! [suddenly Emmet gets distracted by the TV showing a promo of a sitcom]

TV Presenter: Tonight on "Where are my Pants?"

Actor on TV Show: Honey? Where are my pants? [he steps out showing that he's not wearing any pants and we hear canned laughter, Emmet laughs hard at this and falls of the couch]

Emmet Brickowski: What was I just thinking? I don't care. Step eleven: greet your neighbors.

~Emmet walking to work and saying hi to everyone he passes by~

Emmet: Hey, Joe.

Joe: Hey, pal.

~Joe, carrying a massive pole turns nearly hitting Emmet who quickly ducks~

The LEGO Movie Pachverse RetellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora