Am I your favorite?

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Aegon's shuffling home all dirty and pissed.

All he can think is how he couldn't get out from under the car and how his garage blew up in front of his eyes. A garage that meant a job for a young man, but also his childhood and great memories. How he and Aemond drank together when they were about 17, or how Aegon lost his virginity here in this garage. But now they're just memories of a place that no longer exists.

Aegon's knees are constantly knocking and his ears are ringing. He hears nothing but his own thoughts and an endlessly long whistle. He quickly reaches his house and begins to cry. He can't contain his emotions and starts banging on the walls.

Alicent quickly sits up from the couch and runs over to him. "What's wrong with you again, Aegon?" his mother asks, annoyed. She is fed up with his selfishness and endless sadness. "Mom? W-what are you doing here?" Aegon asks, horrified. "I'm your mother so I can be here...and most importantly...I came to see Aemond not you," Alicent said, turning back to the couch.

"Someone tried to kill me,mom!" is all Aegon uncontrollably crying. "But please! Why would someone want to kill you?" muttered his mother in disbelief, and sat down again on the stale, steaming couch.

"Someone put a bomb in the car I was supposed to be fixing and it really fucking blew up," Aegon shouted, showing his mother the explosion of his garage with his hands.

"Jesus Christ..." Alicent muttered, rubbing her eyes. She wasn't in the mood for his nonsensical talk. "Fuck! My garage blew up! That was the only memory I have on-" Aegon paused with a cry and lowered his eyes.

"You should worry more about where you're going to get a new job than about your gay sexual appetites." Alicent croaked, gesturing with her hand that she was sick of Aegon's crying.

Aegon was acting like a little boy again as Alicent scolded him and threatened that if he talked to his older half sister, his sister would surely kill him.

"Don't talk about him like that..." whispered Aegon, narrowing his eyes in anger.
"Why not? It's true, you and your stupid boyfriend are just sick little faggots," Alicent said backwards, anger and disgust in her voice.

Aegon remembered all the good times with him. It hurt his heart to know he'd never see him again. "Mom... I really loved him..." Aegon whispered, looking into his mother's eyes.

Rhae was busily preparing for her boyfriend's birthday party. She ironed her hair and tried to pick out the nicest outfit.

"Where are you going,sweetheart?" asked Rhaenyra, leaning against the door frame. "It's my friend's birthday. He's throwing a party." Rhae replied while applying her mascara. "You have a boyfriend?" Rhaenyra asked with a smile. "He's just a friend... His name is Ace," Rhae said, blushing. "Awww" Rhaenyra giggled and hugged her daughter from behind.

"Moooom" Rhae laughed and looked in the mirror. "Well enjoy" Rhaenyra said one last time and released Rhae from the hug. "Thanks..." Rhae said quietly and took one last look in the mirror to make sure she looked good for Ace.

Aemond is sitting on the couch, all embarrassed and disappointed. He doesn't want Rhae to have a boyfriend. She's too young to date.

Then he's interrupted by footsteps from the distance. "I got a new job!" Aegon said happily, holding up the contract.

"After almost three weeks, it's about time," Aemond said annoyed, turning to his brother. "I'm going to work at an auto repair shop just a few miles from here, as an extra!" Aegon explains happily, tossing the paper from side to side.

"That's great..." Aemon muttered, still lost in his thoughts. "What?" asked Aegon, grabbing Aemon's shoulder. "Don't fucking touch me, you faggot!" Aemond said in a huff and quickly got up from the couch. "Fuck, sorry..." Aegon muttered, getting up from the crawlspace on the red sofa.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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