Peace At Last

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September 21st, Freya arrived Enzo picked her up from the airport. I had met her once, she wasn't as kind on the first meeting, she is a tall blonde, with a presence so strong that her power could be felt from our drive way. Gwyneth was star struck, she had heard about Freya she hadn't met any of The Original family. I welcomed Freya and introduced her to my mom whom she hasn't met but seen in and around New Orleans when she was off the rails for a while. Freya didn't want to steam ahead like a raging bull unlike Klaus would have done. Freya asked that she catch a rest, she needs to call Keelin and when she awakes she wants to be brought up to speed, she feels we will have learned more by the time she arises. The room was ready for her and she went to have a shower and slipped into bed. I never known someone who seen so much danger and help end it she is so laid back. I only wished to have her finger nail of confidence. Mom is mesmerized by her, she can feel her power and she bathes in it.

Gwyneth busied herself with cooking her a nice meal for when she awakes. I felt sick at the smell, I don't believe that Gwyneth is a good cook judging by the smell. Mom decided to help her, she knew as i did the smell wasn't great and practically took over. Enzo went to the garage he felt like a fifth wheel in a house full of women, who could blame him, besides this was witch business. The meal was now cooked and Freya soon made her presence known. The nap wasn't long, but she felt refreshed enough to eat and then get to work, she was desperate to get home to her family. Elijah called and he's kept Klaus from hiring a plane and booking a flight. It's believed Klaus had been expressing aloud his plans for anyone that attempts to come for his daughter. I know there's a future event that tragically she becomes embroiled in, a situation not entirely of her making. The priests are still unaware of the leaks coming through an undercover witch. They have discovered that Eliza and her boys have died and they think Hope came for her, they discussed that their connection to witches have waned since before and are planning of actively discovering why? Freya learned the new update and she exclaimed!

"Well they're in for a colossal magical kick up the ass. My niece will not be harmed by anyone, she is a power to be reckoned with but she is just a child and she hasn't tapped into her full potential. I am glad she hasn't otherwise it would be her here instead of me. I'm starving, something smells good."

Gwyneth served Freya fawning over her, she was like a bumbling school girl who stumbled on her first kiss. I asked her to calm it down a little, Freya doesn't like fanfare, she might be over a thousand years old, she doesn't think like Rebekah or Klaus and believe she is better than anyone. I reminded her that Freya is married and if she has any sights set on her it's a pointless exercise. Gwyneth dialed it back and apologized. I told her to remain in the mindset of the task ahead. Freya asked for the name of the witch under the disguise of a nun?

"I believe her name is Helene, she is close to the sect. Helene has worked hard to get linked with this group, she can only sustain power for so long. What information do you need, Freya?"

"Call her closest contact and ask for the location of these people. I want to burst in and surprise their sorry asses. I'll make sure this vile sect becomes disbanded. Permanently!"

Gwyneth had a better idea, i think it was her way of trying to impress Freya. Gwyneth suggested that she will link to Helene and ask her for the location outright. It's an idea but is she powerful enough to do a spell so big? I think not, Freya asked her for the names of her contacts and she would connect herself. Gwyneth handed her phone to Freya and pointed a woman in the middle and told her this is her friend. Freya took out runes and began casting the spell, she was now connected to Helene, she could see through Helene's eyes, she could see the building, the street name and hear the priests of the sect talking, they mentioned Hope by her first and last name, they had now discovered her location and had plans on traveling in the coming weeks to kidnap her. Freya was furious, she knew she couldn't use too much energy on anger she decided to calm herself down and focused on using her magic in astral form.

Freya wanted to be left alone, she asked me to record every word, when she asked to be pulled out to cast a spell and she will return. I hadn't seen astral projection in practice before, Freya was now lying down and speaking to everything she was doing. Freya had now entered the room, she was telling the men that if they come for Hope they won't ever return. The men were shocked to see her, Freya was describing each of them and telling them that there's beings now recording who they are and one false move the beings will tear them from limb to limb. A priest with hubris asked would that be her brothers or Marcel? Freya told them...

"If you don't disband your band of insidious and evil men, I'll descend every supernatural creature on them from now until every member of their family is wiped out."

I shuddered, i knew she was serious. Freya then described the men fleeing from the building, swearing to her they'll leave Hope alone if the supernatural community promises to keep her under control. Freya told them that her niece is protected and controlled and reminded them she won't always be a child. The men swore they wouldn't come near. Freya asked me to cast the spell, it not only brought her back but it wiped their memories of her and Hope. Freya has a photographic memory and she began drawing the likenesses of each of them. Freya asked that i take pictures of each of them and to send some to Alaric for his records. Freya told us of their faces when she appeared in the room, they were petrified and knew exactly who she was. That evening Freya returned to New Orleans, she was happy to know Hope was now permanently off The Vatican's radar.

Mom and Gwyneth had work to do, they wanted to go and clean up messes of witches who have lead the priests to Hope and the supernatural community. It would now be time for Enzo and i to have our space and focus on our lives.

April 19th, some months later i gave birth to a little boy. The little guy came out looking exactly like Enzo, mom and Dalton were there for the birth. Elena and Damon flew over for a quick visit, they didn't stay long as Elena had her final exam before becoming a qualified doctor. Caroline and Alaric came to visit days later with the girls. It was a very busy few weeks. We named him Gregory, the name fitted him it was Dalton's middle name. We came through some trials in the year since Enzo came back, we learned so much and now had an even bigger journey ahead with our son. We knew he would be a witch, the first male witch in our family, we always had girls. I had now broken that cycle.

We watched Gregory grow over the years and life was good in Italy. The vision i had of Hayley came to pass, she died because of Hope and her Nazi elitist vampire crush. I was heartbroken for the Mikaelson's, i never thought I'd see the day where i had sympathy for that lot even Hayley, she played a huge part in Carole's death. But, she was a mother and people came to love her after understanding why she brought Shane into our lives. Which turned out to be a pointless exercise. Shane claimed to know her family and dangled that knowledge like a carrot in front of her. I have heard things in Mystic Falls is calm for now but an all out war is brewing in New Orleans. I had heard rumors that Klaus and Elijah had taken their own lives, it's came to pass that Hope had taken The Hollow back. Klaus and Elijah took The Hollow into themselves and sacrificed each other for Hope. Klaus truly was a great father. It was kind of sad to learn of their deaths. I'm sure Rebekah and the others are relieved they don't face being daggered on the whims of Klaus. I also learned that Kol returned, he married a witch and began practicing the craft himself again. Caroline informed me she spent the last day with Klaus much to Alaric's displeasure. Caroline reminded him she loved him as a forever friend and that Klaus was doing what he was doing for his daughter. Alls well that ends well i suppose.

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