In the Ocean

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After I put the Ponyo in the bucket they softly sprayed on me, making it wet. I started to giggle, "That was my fault." Then there was a voice that I thought was Yoshie. 

"There it comes again. I'm hearing (Reader) voice. But I know that they are in school right now, so it must be all in my head." 

I followed the voice and found Yoshie and Noriko in their wheelchairs. "Look, Yoshie, I'm right over here" she gave a relieved face "Oh, that was a relief. I haven't lost my mind quite yet!" "Are you ready to see a big surprise?" they look at me "What is it?" "I will show you. 

But first, guess what color they are." they gave their thinking faces "Hmm. They're red I nod my head "That's right! How did you both guess that?" They both said, "Come on, show us!" I nodded my head "ok." I walked over to Ponyo and walked back to show them Ponyo. 

Yoshie said, "Well, look!" "Very pretty." Noriko adds "I nod my head and agree with them "Their name is Ponyo. They like to eat ham, and they can do magic!" They both gasped and were in awe of the fish. 

"Maybe we can use some of their magic to fix my hips and back!" Yoshie responded, "I would let a fish lick me if it would get me out of this wheelchair." Noriko adds "Well, I don't know about all that licking. I'd have to ask Ponyo-."

Then Toki's wheelchair pulled up and went toward me "Hold on, let me look in that bucket." "yes, Toki-san" I gave her the bucket but when she saw Ponyo she got scared "Ah! It has a real face on it! Hurry up, Throw it back in the ocean, don't you realize it will cause a tsunami?" I got scared by her yells and Yoshie said "Oh you. It's always a tsunami. Day and night."

 Toki looks at her with the same scared face "Fish with faces who come out of the sea cause tsunamis. That is what they always say." But then Ponyo sprayed it on Toki.

 "AAAAAAAAAAA! Tsunami! The tsunami is here! AH! Oh! Oh! (Reader), put it back in the ocean where it belongs!" I started to run away with the bucket. While you were going step by step on the rocks you can hear your mom "(Reader)! (reader)... 

(Reader)! Come back here and apologize! I look down at Ponyo "Don't worry, Ponyo. No matter what, I will protect you. I promise." 

Ponyo heads pop out of the water "(Reader)! You were struck and surprised by what just happened, Ponyo was able to talk! "(Reader). Ponyo." I repeated what Ponyo said "Ponyo. (Reader). 

"Ponyo loves (Reader)!" They started to splash water on me. "I love you too." 

They kept repeating "Ponyo loves (Reader)! The weird man was in the water. He released some creepy waves toward us again. You notice and stand up but they surround you because of that you accidentally let go of the bucket. 

When the waves stopped submerging you. You looked for Ponyo. They were not in your hands. "Ponyo?" Then the creepy man and the waves went underwater "Ponyo! Ponyo! Ponyo!" 

You looked at the bucket to release it was empty and you started to cry and got on your knees "Oh! Ponyo!" Your mom came down and noticed your state in "(Reader)!" She ran down and picked you up. While you were crying and begging that Ponyo would come back.

(589 Words)

Male!Ponyo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now