What If: ROR Universe 2

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Fluff? (Y/N)'s simp side being revived? Absolutely, my precious readers deserved to be fed with some love. Characters being obssessive of our lovely baby (Y/N)? I shall feed you to the best of my abilities till your full.

"Has this Valkyrie done something to upset you, Overseer? If so, please punish me as you see fit"

Brunhilde knelt in front of you, you can see sweat drip down her face as her gaze never left the ground. Brunhilde had her suspicion, she had went back to where the summoning incident happen. She had searched the room for any signs that she might've been mistaken but sure enough she had found evidence.

It was said that the Overseer can bleed gold or cry crystals, on the floor not far from a circle scribbled of runes were golden specks with dried red blood. The Overseer was right in front of her the whole time. Overseer, that word. You have heard of that word, the Overseer.

"Hey (Y/N) have you heard another AU of Genshin Impact?"

"What AU?"


"And? What's it about?"

"So its like this, the characters of genshin impact are aware, they are self aware! And us, the players are seen as the Overseer-wait that is for twisted wonderland! I meant creator! They see us as the creator then there is the imposter AU then golden Blood AU added to the mix! Plis the creator cries crystals, imagine how much mora you can get when you sell them!"

"You sure are hyper for this"

"Of course I am! Its so good! The fanfics I mean! Imagine being seen as an imposter when your the real creator! I would survive no doubt!"

"How are you sure about that?"

"I read many anfics about it already! I know what and what not to do! Tevat is alive and they would know if your the creator or not! They would respond to you and would retaliate towards the imposter!"

"And what if your the imposter?"

"That's a good question, well its simple really. I know what to do and not to do anyway"

"And that is?"

"I would tell the archons to not hurt the person that is seen as the imposter and bring them to me! Unharmed plus it would give the poor person trauma hehe, if they have golden blood then I would gladly step down from the throne because its not mine to begin with"

"You surely will survive if it happens"

"Yep plus it would be a an insult if I treated everyone crap if I was the imposter like? Hello? Your the imposter and you have the gal to do and treat them dirty? Off with your head!"

"Who are you? Riddle Rosehearts? The Queen of Hearts?"

"He and Tanjiro be sounding the same"

"They have the same voice actor"

"Oh so that's why"

"Why would you say Overseer when its for the twisted wonderland, shouldn't it be creator?"

"Oh hush! Its the same thing!"

"You scare me sometimes when you get you too excited"

"But you love me!"

"*sighs* But I love you"

"You didn't do anything wrong, get up. The position your in would tire you"

You watched as Brunhilde smiled as she stood up, she looked like a kid recieving a gift. SAGAU, just thinking about it suddenly brought a chill down your spine. You couldn't help but dig your claws into your arm, hidden from Brunhilde's watchful eyes.

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