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You and Miruko didn't spoke about the accident that happened a week ago. You both went back to doing the chores, just like normal. Miruko on the other hand noticed how the roots of your long (h/c) hair started to to turn black.

At first she grew concerned about the changes but it does not seem to affect you, that's what you made her think. In truth you were getting irritated by Muzan's cells, it was trying to take over. It won't stop.

You just let it as stopping it would just waste your energy, Mikoto seemed to notice it as well when your roots started to turn black. That happened a week ago, your long hair was black halfway as it seemed like it faded to your natural (h/c) color. You were still contemplating whether to cut your long hair or not, you looked at it on the small mirror while you sat on a cushion looking at your reflection.

You sighed as you put you hair into a high ponytail, a few rebellious strand stuck itself on your face. You stood up and headed out of your room in favor of going to the small patio with a garden in front of it. Other than that it was peaceful, but not too peaceful, you thought.

'Their were more of them', you thought as you can sense the Root members by their hidden presence and see them by their shadow, you could only guess why Danzo sent more. 'Must be because the first batch disappeared without a trace', you thought. Referring to the three Root members that you ate and buried. 'Although Root wasn't the only one' you closed your eyes as you laid on your back before laying on your left side, enjoying the soft cool breeze.

An uchiha has been following you hidden in the shadows, the incident involving Miruko has probably reached Fugaku or Mikoto. A presence appeared behind you, it was the same uchiha that had been following you a few days earlier.

"Fugaku-sama wanted you in the training grounds"

He doesn't beat around the bush, he was straight forward. His gaze was penetrating the back of your head, burning holes.

"Which ground"

You asked the man as you sat up, your back still facing him. You blankly stared at the crow pecking at the round bird feeder that hung below Chunta's nest. Chunta doesn't seem to mind the crow, speaking of the crow. Chunta had been chirping in distress non-stop a day ago when you came home.

The small sparrow led you to the wall surrounding Fugaku and Mikoto's home near your abode, the crow was injured, the wing was a bit singed. The crow hasn't been able to leave as it needs to heal, you have a sparrow and a crow in your garden. You sometimes find the two inside your home just chilling around.

"On the second wall, a few ways from the entertainment district"

And with that the man disappeared, you closed your eyes feeling pain struck your neck where Muzan had left his last name. Your hand moved on your throbbing neck to try and lessen the pain, you grit your teeth as you stood up.

"Chunta, Taro I'll be out for a while, if it rains tonight stay inside the house"

You walked towards your bedroom to get change, you wore a simple black short-sleeved turtle neck and plain gray shorts that reached your knees. You closed the shoji door as you exited the house, you took a deep breathe as you looked at the blue sky before you took off by jumping over the wall and running on top of the rooftops.

You observe the people below as you run, this reminds you of the times you went on missions with the hashiras. You paused as you stopped completely, you shook your head after taking anither deep breath. Why were you remembering this now, the sooner you get to the training ground the better.

You jumped down from the trees as you walked towards where Fugaku was, beside him was the elder, the same one who Fugaku went with. Their were few Uchihas as well ranging from adults to teenagers in their early teens and a few kids. Fugaku stopped talking to the elder and focused his gaze on you, your instincts blared as you caught an arm that was to strike you in an iron grip.

A Curse Disguised As A Blessing (An Isekai Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu