vanquishing the vampires

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The other Power Heroes were still holding their ground against the vampires, getting a little scratched up but managing to still fight them off.

Bastet:Guys look!Bastet exclaimed, trying to point with one hand while fending off Nosferatu with the other.

The others looked and noticed the vampire kids yelling in pain, gradually passing out.

Ice Cub:What's happening?

Lilyfay:Whatever it is, it looks like we're going to win!Lilyfay said excited, not noticing the Jiangshi lunging towards her from behind.

Ice Cub:LILYFAY WATCH OUT!!!Ice Cub shouted, desperately trying to warn her.

The Jiangshi landed on top of Lilyfay, pinning her to the ground and preparing to drain her life force.

But, before Jiangshi can drain her life force, he suddenly started to glow, floating up into the air along with the other vampires, behind them, An Yu was using the Wand of Reanimation on each vampire, placing their respective books on the ground.

An Yu:Time to go back to your books, vampires!An Yu declared, using the Wand of Reanimation to send all of the vampires back into their respective books.

When An Yu put all the vampires back in their books, sat down exhausted, catching her breath, The other Power Heroes, were in disbelief and gathered around her.

Bastet:What just happened?

An Yu:I sent all the vampires back into their books.

Bastet:Okay, but where are Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko?

Owlette:We're here.Owlette called out, coming forward with Gekko helping her walk as the Wolfies  came struggling, carrying both Catboy and Night Ninja.

Rip:Can't believe we're doing this.Rip muttered.

Ice Cub:What happened to you guys?

Gekko:Dracula, he was tougher than I thought.

An Yu:Luckily, Catboy staked Dracula just in time, since he's dead, that means all the kids who turned into vampires reverted back to their normal states.An Yu explained.

The Power Heroes heard someone groaning and looked to their left, seeing Newton slowly getting up on his feet.

Newton Star:Ugh...what happened?Newton asked, rubbing his eyes.

The Power Heroes had smiles on their faces and rushed to embrace Newton.

Gekko:Glad your back Newton!Gekko greeted.

Newton:It's good to be back and not a vampire anymore.Newton replied, hugging everyone back.

Romeo:Bleh, you heroes and your mushy feelings stuff.Romeo grumbled, back to his normal self, grossed out.

Owlette:Never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad you're back, Romeo.Owlette remarked, chuckling, as Romeo rolled his eyes.

Romeo:Whatever, feather brain, just so you know, there's only room in this world for one villain to take over, and that villain is me, but if you excuse me, I've had enough of Halloween for one night.Romeo declared, walking away.

The Flashcar arrived with the Speedy Twins back to normal.

Bastet:Hey Speedy Twins, glad you're back.Bastet greeted.

Carly:Whatever.Carly groaned in annoyance as the Flashcar drove away.

Luna Girl:Thanks, PJs, for freeing me from Dracula, that was just bleh!Luna Girl stated, hovering on her Luna Board above them.

Gekko:No problem, Luna, hey, want to spend Halloween with us?

Luna Girl:I would love to, but I need to go check on Motsuki to see if she's okay, cya!!Luna Girl waved, flying off.

Frankenstein:What happened, are vampires gone?Frankenstein asked, walking towards the Power Heroes, rubbing his head.

Gekko:Yes, my big friend, they are gone.Gekko reassured him, patting his leg.

Ice Cub:Things are wrapping up quite nicely.

Owlette:Wait, guys, we might have taken care of all the vampires, but what about the other monsters in the city, they're all still around, causing havoc.Owlette pointed out.

Gekko:Oh yeah, we're lucky we have the books, the only problem is how are we gonna get all of them back in the books in time.

An Yu:Don't worry, my friends, I've got a plan, but are you able to execute this plan in the conditions you all are in, since we finished battling Dracula's army?An Yu asked, noticing everyone who looked roughed up, the Power Heroes exchanged glances looking kinda unsure.

Catboy:Of course, because we're the Power Heroes, and we'll do whatever it takes to save the day.Catboy declared, already awake and walking towards the Power Heroes, dragging Night Ninja, who had also woken up but was still tied up in ropes.

Night Ninja:Hey, furball, I'm awake, so can you just untie me already!?Night Ninja demanded, Catboy rolled his eyes and untied him.

When Night Ninja was free, he got up and stretched, An Yu started to approach him.

Night Ninja:Oh hey, An Yu, so, you're not mad about how I stole the Wand of Reanimation or how I almost killed you, right?Night Ninja asked, nervously.

Night Ninja saw An Yu clenching her fist, he closed his eyes, anticipating her anger, but, An Yu surprised him by quickly wrapping her arms around him, resting her head on his chest.

Night Ninja:An Yu?...Night Ninja said confused, feeling her shake a little.

An Yu:I'm not mad, i'm just relieved that you're okay, there was a part of me thinking we might have lost, and I could've died, you would've lost me forever, and I would be unable to save you.An Yu confessed, her voice trembling as she hugged tighter.

An Yu:Never do something that stupid again...An Yu added.

Night Ninja:Okay I won't.Night Ninja promised, hugging her back they looked at each other in the eyes and got closer for a kiss.

Lilyfay:*whispered*This is gonna be good.Lilyfay added, giggling.

Night Ninja:Umm...anyways, since I kinda caused this mess, I'll be willing to help you with this plan you've got.Night Ninja assisted, separating from An Yu immediately.

Gekko:Okay, what about you, Wolfies??Gekko asked.

Howler:Well, um...we have to go and...

Rip:clean our bones!Rip replied, as she and Howler chuckled nervously.

Kevin:Wait, when do we clean our bones?Kevin asked.

Rip and Howler looked at each other and then flee.

Kevin:Guys, wait for me!Kevin said, running after them.

The Power Heroes and Frankenstein all laughed.

Owlette:Classic Wolfies, now, Pj Masks, let's do this!Owlette declared, everyone cheered in agreement.

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