[16] Acting Face

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"This sucks," Osano grumbled, poking his food.

Taro glanced over, "What's wrong?"

"That Ayato isn't here," Osano sighed in frustration. "We were supposed to hang out yesterday. Did you see how that teacher got between us?"

Taro pondered for a moment. "Now that you mention it, that was unfortunate timing."

"It was!" Osano groaned, "It annoys me just thinking about it. What's the deal with that old man?!"

"Well, Ayato did miss most of the class," Taro reminded him carefully. "I don't mean to bad-mouth him, but the teacher was bound to say something about it."

"I know," Osano muttered in defeat. "I just wish it could've been on another day..."

Sensing his friend's disappointment, Taro wanted to comfort him but struggled to find the right words. Before he could say anything, a shadow caught his attention, turning to face the purple-haired boy from the drama club.

Osano and Taro were surprised to see him. They rarely saw him, let alone talk to him.

Kizano smiled at them. "Fancy seeing you guys here. What have you been up to?"

"Just having lunch," Taro replied casually, assuming Kizano's intentions. "Ayato's out sick today."

"Oh?" Kizano frowned, looking concerned. "That's unfortunate. I hope he gets well soon."

Taro nodded, "I'll pass on your message."

"Anything else?" Osano raised an eyebrow.

"Actually," Kizano started, noticing Ayato approaching Osano's school bag from behind. He feigned a smile, striving to appear calm, and continued talking. "I wanted to invite you guys to visit the drama club room sometime soon. I heard you're still without a club, and I'd be happy to show you around."

"That's kind," Taro hesitated. "But acting's not really my thing. I'm waiting for something else to catch my interest."

"Same," Osano added, uninterested in the offer. "You could beat the living hell out of me, and I still wouldn't be able to quote Shakespeare."

Kizano masked his reaction with a smile. "I see, too bad. I guess acting's not for everyone."

"I hate it almost as much as I hate gaming," Osano carelessly mentioned, unknowingly delivering what would be the worst insult to the boy.

Of all the words thrown at him, that one hit Kizano hard. He struggled to maintain composure, refraining from hurling insults back. Comparing his esteemed drama club to the gaming club? A slight on his pride.

As Osano turned to his bag, surprising both Ayato and Kizano, the purple-haired boy had to think quickly. "I-I came to ask something else, too!" Kizano blurted out, catching Osano's attention.

"What?" Osano turned back to him.

As Kizano glanced at Ayato finishing his task, he focused on Osano and Taro. "I'm reusing an old play. Usually, I write my own, but I thought the drama club needed a timeless classic for variety. I planned for both Ayato and me to act in it, and I wanted to invite you to watch our practice and give us your feedback."

"Is it similar to the other play?" Taro asked.

"Similar?" Kizano pondered. "You could say that."

Taro smiled. "Sure, I'd like to watch. I enjoyed the last one. What about you, Osano?"

Osano hesitated, surprised by Taro's interest. They must be good at what they do if Taro wants to go. Besides, as Ayato's friend, he should show support. Watching the play would be a way to do that. And he couldn't miss seeing Ayato act on stage.

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