Arc 1 chapter 4 The deep roads expedition

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( Hello everyone happy new year, here is the new chapter in this book, hope you are having a good New Year's Eve)

Adwen and Lance are currently accompanying Bartrand's expedition in the deep roads, Adwen feels uncomfortable with being in the deep roads due to the fact his father died in the deep roads. It has been a week since they have entered the deep roads, this has made Adwen more uncomfortable even more due to the long time period. As the group keeps waking Bartrand gives the "halt" sign with his hand, as a scout approaches him.

Scout: There's been a collapse-the way forward is blocked.

Bartrand: What?! Is there some way around?!

Scout: (scared) Not that I've been able to find. The side passages are too dangerous.

Bartrand scratches his mustache while shaking his head, then he punches the scout

Bartrand: Useless! What am I paying you blighters for? Set camp!

The expedition then proceeds to find a place to set camp for the time being due to the way being blocked, they soon find a spot in a hole on the side of the deep roads and set camp. Bartrand then haves a conversation with some people about the way forward being blocked, Varric however notices this.

Varric: Problems, brother?

Bartrand: Sodding deep roads! Who knows how long it'll take to clear the path?

Varric: Shall we not try to find a way around, instead? Seems like the logical choice.

Bartrand: You think I'm an idiot, Varric? The scouts say the side passages are too dangerous!

Hawke: We need to do something. Sitting out here in the open is just as dangerous.

Varric: We'll take a look. If we come running back, screaming, you'll know staying put was the right decision.

Bartrand: Fine, fine! Find a way around. Just do it quickly!

Bodahn: (to Hawke) Er... I hate to add to your burdens, my friends, but I fear I must. I fear my boy, Sandel, wandered off. He's somewhere in those passages, right now! I beg you, keep an eye out for him. He just... doesn't understand danger like he should.

Hawke: We need to search the side passages. We'll bring him back, if we can.

Bodahn: Poor Sandal. I can't believe he's done this!

Varric: Let's move quickly, then.

Adwen: You want me to come with you?

Bartrand: Oh no! We have enough people going out there, you are staying here in case darkspawn come our way. And besides you and your friend are lucky I agreed to bring you along! You can however go and stand guard!

Hawke and his group leaves and Adwen and Lance proceed to stand guard outside the camp, while doing so Adwen and Lance converse to pass the time.

Adwen: Commander Meredith is probably being strict with the mages. And every other of our fellow Templars are stressed due to her strict policy on the mages.

Lance: Yeah, glad we are down here are not up there taking orders from her.

Adwen: Even though we have to instead deal with darkspawn?

Lance: I'd rather fight an archdemon rather than deal with commander Meredith. Besides what do you plan to do with your share of the profits?

Adwen: Well I hope to buy a nice house, it's better than living near commander Meredith. Anyway, why did you join the Templars?

Lance: My father was always a pious man and was a firm admirer of the templars. He gave me to the templars when I was young, what's your reason?

Adwen: Well, when Alistair joined the templars I decided to join with him even though he left some time after. I decided to remain in the templars because there was nothing else for me.

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