"What a lunatic" I thought as I watched him, Dupin shortly followed and together they reached into Descamps bag. There is was, the cover of a magazine I was too familiar with after yesterday's interactions. My eyes narrowed, desperate to see every move.

A redhead boy approached them and Descamps crossed his arms, muscle moving naturally and I scolded myself for getting distracted. His arms looked good in that white polo, evenly tanned with a few beauty marks adorning the bicep. I physically shook my head, watching the redhead drop coins into Descamps open hand and take the magazine...into the bathroom. 

"No way" I muttered, getting up and walking away from a confused Annick. My eyes remained on the two boys as I walked across the courtyard towards them, they were too distracted pretending to hit each other to notice. 

I stood in front of the two and they both straightened up, trying to hide their previous smiles with an attempt at looking like serious men, "Descamps I need to talk to you" I said with my best attempt at sounding intimidating. The smirk on Dupin's face told me I had failed. I looked up at Descamps and he smirked.

"Is this about last night?" He teased and Dupin erupted in laughter, clapping his friend on the back in 'congratulations'. A disgusted scowl took over my face and I grabbed Descamps hand, pulling him away. The laughter only became louder as I did but I didn't care, I stopped when we were behind the bathrooms out of the sight of everyone else. I stood across from him, arms crossed.

"What are you doing?" I interrogated. He shifted his shoulders towards me a little as he leaned closer to my face. 

His tone was lower than before now that it was just us, softer too. "Talking to you" he replied. I rolled my eyes and pushed on his chest, he moved back barely a centimeter. The breeze continued behind the bathrooms and I felt my hair blow across my forehead, the long strands covering my eyes. In a single movement, he reached out and pushed it away and back behind my now red ears. The waft of his enticing cologne followed his touch and I couldn't but lean into his hand. He pulled away and smirked.

"Don't act stupid why are boys paying you for your magazine?" I asked and attempted to cover up my flustered form with annoyance. Luckily I found Descamps just as annoying as I did attractive so it was a seamless transition. 

"Jealous you can't be my costumer?" He teased and now I was truly irritated by his immaturity and complete inability to hold an adult conversation. Everything was either a joke or some kind of cruel comment with him and the clench in my jaw proved it was finally getting to me.

I gave him a mocking look, "No actually, I'm not jealous I can't give you money and then disappear into the bathroom". I crossed my arms tighter in front of my chest. 

He reached his hand into his large pants pocket and pulled out a few coins, equaling $1 and grabbed my forearm. His hand trailed down my arm and the goosebumps I had from the weather only intensified as it felt like every touch from him was heightened. He opened up my hand and set the coins down. 

"Consider it hush money" Descamps said before he gave me one last look. He looked like he was craving something, yearning for an unspoken desire to come true. I couldn't stand it and looked away still visibly annoyed with him. He shook his head in amusement and walked away.

"Descamps! Come back I'm not done!" I called out angrily to him but he just continued walking away, back to Dupin and the long line of boys outside of the toilets. I kicked the school wall in frustration, scuffing my black kitten heels. I groaned in defeat, tucking the coins into my skirt pocket and walking back to Annick who had given up on waiting for me and started reading her book. I told her in a hushed whisper everything  that had occurred, the dismissal of lunch quickly followed and Annick began packing up her bag.

I stood and together we walked in English, whispering and giggling as we passed Jean Pierre. I nearly forgot how handsome he was, striking was an understatement. 

I took my seat next to Annick and to my dismay, Descamps sat behind us with his idiot friend Dupin. I hoped that the other boys at this school would at least have some form of decency but by the way their pockets sagged and jingled with coins, it was clear I was wrong. Dupin seemed alright but considering how close he and Descamps were, it wasn't surprising. 

I felt my ears warm slightly at the sight of Descamps sauntering past us and to his desk, sitting directly behind me just like yesterday in History. His words from yesterday kept repeating through my head. They weren't special, they were disgusting but not special. It was the way he had said them that swarmed my thoughts. So casual and low as he leaned mere centimeters away from me. I could see every beauty mark that littered his face and the eyelashes above his brown eye, the brown in his eye would morph into a copper like color whenever the sun hit them and it was driving me insane. 

"What's taking him so long?" Dupin muttered to Descamps, my ears immediately focused in on their conversation. Luckily Annick was busy whispering across the aisle to Pichon so she wouldn't interfere with my ease dropping. My back straightened slightly.

Descamps boyish laugh fell out of his mouth, "Probably couldn't hear the bell, I knew he'd be the first to go deaf" he muttered. Dupin chuckled and I rolled my eyes. I turned around to face them both and Descamps narrowed his eyes at my intrusion in annoyance. Dupin stared at me like I was a feast and he was starving, great another creep at this school. 

  "Are you talking about your perverse brothel?"I asked with a bitter edge to my tone. Descamps glared at me and leaned in just like yesterday though to my relief, he remained a normal distance away from me. 

Dupin also leaned in closer, bringing my attention over to the boy, "Why do you care? Interested in becoming part of the entertainment" Dupin asked with a cheesy smile. I sneered and shook my head in disbelief. Descamps chuckled lowly and nodded.

"You're a pig" I said sharply to Dupin before turning back to Descamps, "And you are too". Descamps clutched his heart in offence, a mocking pout on his handsome face. Dupin laughed harder and I turned away from them, finally admitting to myself their perverseness was a lost battle.

Madame Couret walked in and shortly after the bell rang, came in a blonde boy I didn't know. He quickly sat down after apologizing for his lateness and a few snickers could be heard in the room, all from boys. 

Dupin whispered something to the boy and he reached behind him, over our  desk to hand a paper back. Annick's hand shot up quickly and my eyes widened in realization, it wasn't a paper, it was the  magazine. She stuffed it under her desk and in her lap. Descamps shot up out of his seat and leaned completely over his desk trying to reach for hit. I slapped his hand away before he quickly sat down, looking back up.

Madame Couret gave us a confused look before she resumed teaching. The second she turned around the two boys grabbed at it again, we both tried to slap their hands away. Descamps hand accidentally grazed my inner  thigh and I froze for a split second, he did too. It was well above where my skirt fell and mere inches away from my underwear, it seemed to burn where he had brushed. He quickly resumed his mission for the magazine before Annick threw it back the the boy from before. 

"Don't give it to me!" He squeaked, grabbing everyone's attention. As Madame Couret turned around, the boy threw it blindly behind him and it landed, right on Michelle's desk. She looked down at the front page, a naked red head with huge boobs. 

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