Shopping part one

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Jackie was in the passenger seat and Rocket was in the backseat. They both put their seatbelts on. Shauna put the car in gear and they drove off.

Shauna said, "So where are we going?"

Jackie said, "The mall."

Jackie was fiddling with the radio and Rocket was lost in her thoughts. Jackie was still fiddling with the radio till she got to a song she liked. Rocket was lost in her little world. Jackie looks back at Rocket and then turns around.

Rocket thought to herself, "Great I'm going shopping with Tinkerbell and Cocoa Puff."

Jackie said, "Hey Rocket, what are you thinking about?"

Rocket said, "Nothing."

Jackie just sighed.

Jackie thought, "Hardhead."

Rocket starts to hum a song. Jackie turns around to face Rocket.

Jackie said, "What are you humming?"

Rocket said, "None of your business."

Jackie said, "Why are you being so mean today?"

Rocket didn't answer her. Jackie just huffed and turned around.

Rocket kept on thinking about the memory of her past.

She thought, "She won't understand even if I talk about my past."

She shivers at the thought of Doctor Hydra finding her.

Then they were suddenly at the mall. They found a parking space in the parking Shauna parked the car, unbuckled their seat belts, and walked towards the mall. Jackie grabs a baby cart from the visit center.

Jackie said, "Rocket, get in!"

Rocket exclaimed, 'I'm not getting in that! Are you crazy?'

Jackie secures Rocket in the baby cart, saying "There, now you can't cause trouble."

Rocket exclaimed, "You are going to pay for this, Twinkie!"

Jackie said, "Love you too, baby bear."

Rocket exclaimed, "Don't call me that!"

"Why are you being so hateful?" asked Jackie.

Rocket replied, "Well, I didn't ask to be made! I didn't ask to be torn apart and put back together over and over again and turned into some... some little monster!"

Jackie reassured her, "You're not a monster."

Rocket retorted, "You don't even know me or what I've been through!"

Jackie said, "I want to get to know you if you let me."

Rocket fell silent and didn't look at Jackie, staring straight ahead.

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